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"It's a fantastic science fiction short story, written as a joke when the internet was in it's infacy. For a girlfriend who doesn't reciprocate my love."

Even though the angry glow of the weekend sun was coming through the window and biting his face, he was sleeping with his head buried in his feather pillow. In fact, even if he did wake up, he wouldn't wake up easily. He wasn't the type to jump out of bed as soon as he woke up; He would stay in bed for a while longer and daydream.

He thought that this habit, which he had maintained since his childhood, emptied his mind and made him feel relaxed. That's why he set his alarm clock twenty minutes before he had to get up on workdays.

A thin layer of smoke appeared under the bedroom door. As the smoke, like a snake, slowly filled the room, it took various shapes: a monster with long teeth, a giant spider wandering around the ceiling with its thin feet, and a vulture with its wings spread wide.

After a while, the monsters merged into each other, lost their original shapes, and covered the room with their pure white essence. He was blinded by the smoke.

When the bed started to shake with fear, Umut suddenly woke up. His jet black eyes were like two vague dots on a blank sheet of paper.

He would have forgotten to turn off the smoke machine before going to bed

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He would have forgotten to turn off the smoke machine before going to bed. Why didn't he buy a fire detector? This was happening for the second time, the first thing today was to buy a fire detector for the house.

He should have turned the machine off. He got up from the bed, hit something with his first step and almost fell. He couldn't see anything because of the smoke. When he managed to find the door of the room by groping, tears were flowing from his eyes affected by the smoke.

The hallway was relatively less smoky, as if there was some force pulling the smoke towards the bedroom; Before, all the smoke had filled the bedroom. And he almost succeeded in drowning Umut in his sleep.

When he entered the study, he could breathe a sigh of relief. When the machine worked too hard, it short-circuited and stopped. The Portable Cloud Machine Project he was working on seemed likely to cause him trouble one day. He turned on the air purifier.

Shortly after graduating from university as a smokeologist, started working in the Evol city Research and Development department of Cloud Products Management. Seven years later he became department chief; It wasn't a very high salary, but he was happy with his job.

This project was very important to him. If he could make a portable cloud machine, he would be of great service to humanity and could reach an important position in his business.

There were long droughts in many countries of the world, and people needed water. Countries with economic difficulties had difficulty in importing clouds, but they survived with limited aid from developed countries. If a portable cloud machine could be made, people could produce their own clouds at low cost. That's why Umut had been working on this project for a long time.

It would be necessary to repair the machine, but he couldn't do it today; They had planned to spend the weekend with Damla at his house near the Hemlock Forest.

As he entered the kitchen to prepare breakfast, he said loudly:

"Call Damla!.." he said and activated the home phone.

When he turned up the volume on the monitor mounted on the wall next to the refrigerator, Damla was in front of him.


"Hello dear! Where have you been?"

"Isn't it late for breakfast?"

" I worked until midnight after you left, and I left the smoke machine on when I went to bed."

"That makes two. Darling, you said you were going to buy a smoke detector."

"I'll get it. Are you coming?"

"Let me take a shower, I'm with you. We're leaving, right?"

"Yes I am waiting."

He had to eat well; after stopping by the market with Damla and buying his food for two days, he would drive to the Hemlock Forest without a break. Since they were going out of the city, there were no places to eat on their way, and people did not go out of the settlements much.

In fact, no one left the house except the young people; The people of the city of Evol were considered domestic. All they did in their free time was sit at home and watch television; They would not even go out for shopping and would meet all their needs from virtual markets.

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