city; Yumen

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If Kjerag is squalling snow, Joachim would say Yumen is scalding sands.

Certainly not one of the cities Joachim wanted to visit under any circumstances. Spring would fit his taste better. A field of flowers blossoming their petals, pollen drifts in the atmosphere freely searching to flourish. Dampness air after melting ice, colorful display pleasing both eyes. Clear blue sky with slight white clouds. And definitely not snow everywhere nor sands as far as the eye can see. Maybe it was on his rabbit gene, he likes spring.

Siesta or Bolivar might be on the list, but Gnosis—as his superior—prefers to make him suffer.

Never in Joachim's life once cursed his life choice. Not until his sponsor, Enciodes Silverash, appointed him as Karlan Trade Company representative assistant. He has always been grateful, of course, can complete his studies up to a doctorate with a full scholarship even doesn't mind the conditions that require him to serve the company as long as he can eat a slice of bread with butter.

"Joachim. I'm a scholar from Karlan Trade Company and currently doing research around here." He said, with a bitter tone after tasting bread without his favorite peanut butter for breakfast, reaching out his hand; hoping to make a good impression on a man he suspects was a local.

The other looks perplexed for a moment and smiles softly. It did not go unnoticed; but that smile ... that damned smile. "Shuo. It's my name." And as far as the sun shining brightly burning through his skin, Joachim swears that smile is able to overpower it.

He hates it.

It makes him angry for no reason.

Yet his ears flopped swiftly. Ecstatic.


If in Kjerag he works as a mining technician and develops armor and weapons for soldiers to war. In Yumen ...

In Yumen he does mineral research and is stuck in Catastrophe.

A freaking Catastrophe.

"Ms. Ch'en!"

At least his superior is here to save the day.

"You—" A visible confusion appears, quickly replaced with her usual assertive complexion. "Operator Judah, what are you doing here?"

His smile never fades, but it suddenly becomes Kumon. Fake and poignant. His silence will never answer the question, yet no phrase could comprehend his stress.

It all begins with his first day, getting acquainted with a man he was supposed to be a local. He is indeed a good listener and taking care of him—to the point, it feels like he got a nanny ... or assistant, in a more elite way. Maybe because of his nature to easily chill out with a new person and new environment. However, the thought of their connection feasibly leads to misunderstanding among the people around them making him overthink useless notions.

Just because Shuo never leaves his side and always sticks by his side.

And then one day, he discovers the truth. That this very acquaintance of his is actually a God.

Like, a literal part of a God.

A glimpse of chill made him choose to stay away for a moment. Or forever. Even so, perhaps his luck is just small to non-existent at all. Dragged between a fight for a sword and martial art stuff. (Oh, hey, he is a reaper guard. He uses a scythe and poison!) Then being chased by the daughter of that Rat King.

"Haha, ah, that ..." Despite that, Shuo is always next to him and never leaves him when danger comes to the scene. "Let's say the God of Fortune hates me so much He wants to suffer." Mayhaps, his existence is more like a nullifier of his bad luck.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07 ⏰

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