Animus Magic

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So, here's what happened after Jerboa's spell.

Jerboa might have eliminated the powers of all CURRENT animuses, but not long after, another read hatched - Turtle's grandson, in fact, (Prince) Squall.

Squall realised that more animuses would be returning soon, and he was an avid lover of history, so knew his stuff. He decided that they didn't need to get rid of animus magic completely, but rather, restrict it.

And so, using his magic, he created and implemented what are now known as Animus Rules, or Squall's Wishes. ("It's all thanks to Squall's Wishes", "Blame the Animus Rules, not me!", "CURSE THAT SQUALL AND HIS RULES", for example)

The rules are as follows:
• Animi may only use their magic for selfless reasons
(Though this rule can be bent)
• Animi may only use their magic once every quarter moon - for example, on a new moon, a half moon, a full moon, and the other half moon
• Animi cannot harm other Animi physically in any way (A good way for an animus to determine whether someone else is one)
• These rules are hereby irreversible by any Animus to ever exist, including myself

You need permission to create an OC that is an Animus, but you don't need it to have an OC that has been affected by animus magic. Remember that cursed items still exist from BEFORE Jerboa and Squall.

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