The Solarverse: Overview

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The Solarverse is an AU (Alternate Universe) that takes place just shy of one hundred years after the events of the main series. Since the defeat of the Othermind and the union of the tribes, dragon society has been evolving fast, and not only are there some new types of primitive technology, there are better relations with scavengers, better connections between the two continents, and evolved cultures in-between tribes.

This AU brings some headcanon changes to the tribes, and lots of new places and societies, but tries to stick to canon as much as possible and explain how it got to where it is today.

In the near future, you will be able to create an OC or many in this AU, and you are more than welcome to write a fanfiction, roleplay, or whatever you wish in here. However, I must ask you for now just to hold tight, until enough information has been posted to make it doable. Thanks for co-operation!

So without further ado, let me take you into the Solarverse!

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