7 - Jealous Actions

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Rachel still had to go to work today, so it was just Alexis and I. I helped her with yesterday's math homework, and we did her chores. It was really boring.

Halfway through the day Taylor called, wondering why we weren't at school. And of course the first thing Alexis said was that I had to go to the hospital last night, which worried Tay beyond belief.

Of course she was so worried that she ran all the way here. So now, it's Alexis, Taylor and I.

I love these two half to death, but I've been around them far too much recently. And I really need to see Jeff.

I grabbed Jeff's bloody knife and made for the door.

"Is that a knife?!" Taylor said worriedly.

"Yes." I said, hoping she would just leave me. Luckily Alexis quickly figured out what I wanted, and distracted Taylor.

"Yeah, she's going to put it back in the kitchen! We had brought it in here yesterday to kill a mouse, and she accident cut her arm!" Nice save Alexis. Guess that's a perk of having a clever mind!

"Ooohh... Makes sense. Kay!" They continued their previous conversation. Taylor is so easy to trick, sometimes that's a good thing, and other times it's a very bad thing. Lexy and I are constantly making sure she doesn't believe horrible lies.

"Guys," I started. "I'll be back, going for a walk. Need some air." They said their farewells and be safe's, and I left.

I practically ran to the forest, hiding the knife as best as I could without hurting myself more with it.

I made it to the edge within a little over ten minutes. A few minutes ago rain started to pour down, and I was now soaked from head to toe.

I bolted under the light canopy and the slight shelter it provides from the rain.

I walked, shivering constantly from the cold - I knew I should have brought my jacket.

Once again creeks and bangs sounded.

"J-Jef-f-ffy where a-a-a-are you?" I stuttered, freezing butt off. No response.

I wandered for another minute, searching the trees for any signs. There didn't seem like he had ever been here.

I heard a twig snap a few yards away. "Jeff! Get your butt over here now! I know you can hear me!"

Seconds later the boy I was searching for fell from the tree above me. His face beneath the cut-smile looked ashamed and regretful.

"There you are!" I said with a soft smile. "You forgot something!" I said, revealing his knife, I had used the rain to try and wash away the blood, and I managed to get most of it off.

He reached for it with trembling hands. He clasped his fingers around it hesitantly, as if it was on fire.

He took it from my grasp, trying his best to avoid eye contact with me. I know I should be mad at him. He. tried. to. kill. me. But I'm not mad. I can't explain it. Maybe it was because of his reaction when he snapped back to his human side? He felt regret, and he hates himself for losing control.

"Addilyn." Jeff said suddenly. I pulled my attention away from my thoughts and put it fully on him again. "I am a monster. I thought that... Maybe, just maybe, I could be happy with you. But I'm going to hurt you! Don't you see, I lost my humanity for a moment, and I had already tried to kill you! It's going to happen again, and that time your friends won't be there to save you; I'm afraid I'm going to end up killing you, Addilyn!" He said, tears welling up in the corners of his eyes.

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