6 - Inhuman Instincts

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~Still Jeff's pov~

I ran through the trees, knife in hand.

I came to the edge of the forest, and surveyed the nearest houses. I chose one that was farthest away, most of the lights were off but there was a single light in the living room.

I ran up to the side of the house, and snuck around to the window with the light on. Peeking inside I saw a woman and a man snuggling together on a couch, watching a movie.

I climbed up the side of the house until I got to the roof. I looked in all four of the upstairs rooms. I saw an empty office and bathroom, and two bedrooms. With two sleeping children.

The office window was open a crack, open enough for me to get my hands under and lift it.

I swung myself down from the roof and through the now fully open window. I snuck to the first kids bedroom.

With a stir, the child woke. She sat up and rubbed her eyes. "Who are you?" She said quietly, when she noticed me.

"Shh..." I said, lifting a finger to my lips and giving her a maniacal smile, her eyes grew wide with fear. "Don't worry yourself with who I am... Just... GO TO SLEEP!" I said, lunging at her with my knife. She didn't even have time to scream before my knife was implanted in her scull.

~Back to Addilyn! Addy's pov~

"It's late, let's go to bed, Kay?" I said, after yawning.

"That's probably a good idea." Alexis said, turning off the TV. She had put it onto grown-up cartoons after the YouTube video was done.

We got ready for bed and turned out the lights, preparing for a long nights sleep. I closed my eyes, all snuggled up in bed next to my best friend.

. . . . .

I awoke to pitch black. It was still night. I saw two large eyes peering at me from across the room. They weren't Lexy's, she was asleep next to me.

It took my eyes a moment to adjust, and when they did I saw Jeff, hiding in the corner.

I got up and silently walked over to him, careful not to wake Lexy.

When I got close to him I noticed something was wrong.

He no longer had his warmth. His eyes were cold and evil. His posture was not like a human, but that of a blood-thirsty animal.

I stepped back, he had his knife out, aiming straight at me. He stepped forward, and I tripped and landed on the floor trying to get away.

"J-Jeffy? Wh-what's wrong with you?!" I whimpered. I watched in fear as the knife got closer and closer. It had fresh, dripping blood on it.

I trembled and flinched back as the knife came withing a few inches of me, posed to kill.

Alexis stirred awake behind me. "Hmm... Addy?" She mumbled. She looked my way and her eyes grew wide with fear. "Addy!!!!" She whispers loudly.

I look back at Jeff, and his hands were trembling. His eyes had regained their humanity, and they looked extremely fearful.

"Oh. My. God. What have I done?! Addilyn... I'm - I'm so sorry!" He said, dropping his knife.

I crawled forward to him, and he sunk down onto the floor with me. Alexis watched in fear and horror.

"Jeffy..? Are... Are you okay?" I asked slowly, putting my hands over his trembling ones, trying to calm his freak-out.

"I, almost, killed you! I am a monster! I almost killed the only girl I ever felt anything like love towards!" Love. Does he love me?

Jeff the Killer Fanfiction - My SecretHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin