//Varian's POV//

I hate how whenever I walk into the kingdom, I always hear a group of people muttering about what I did. Why can't people just forgive and forget? Why do they always remember the bad things and never the good? I literally helped them defeat Zhan Tiri and they don't seem to recall that but they seem to recall stuff I did four FUCKING years ago. 

I heard another group talking about me and pointing at me. I just try my hardest to ignore them. But sadly, I can't. 

This is how everyday goes for me. Haha.. life sucks, doesn't it (MOOD)? Don't they ever get bored of it? I know I would if I were them. Where is the justice, is what I'm wondering.


This day was weird I'll admit. I still got those things, yes, but I saw something I would never expect to see. A black notebook falling out of the sky. Weird, but not as weird as the time my blue hair stripe became a snake. I saw it fall down all the way to the hard, dirty ground. I slowly walked over to it and picked up the strange notebook. 'Death Note' it said. What is it, you can cause death with this thing? Hah! Funny joke... It is a joke, right?

No matter what it is, I take it with me, just to test it out. Maybe I could kill someone who was in one of the groups.


I close my door shut and put the notebook on my alchemy desk and opened it up. The first page was the rules. 

"'The human whose name is written in the notebook shall die'?" I read aloud. "But that's not possible.. is it?" I continued reading the rules. 

"'The note will not take affect unless the writer has the person's face in their mind while writing his/her name down, Therefor, people sharing the same name will not be affected.'

"If the cause of death is written within the next 40 seconds of writing the person's name, it will happen.'

"'After writing the cause of death, details of the death should be written in the next 6 minutes and 40 seconds.'"

And that were the rules that were written there. Was all of this true..? No, probably not. If I write someone's name down, nothing will happen. I'll prove it. I picked up a pen and wrote down Feldspar's name.

Now we wait.


I was walking around again and the group was talking again. Bur not about me this time, no. It was about Feldspar's death.

The way it ends //VAT7K/TTS DEATH NOTE CROSSOVERWhere stories live. Discover now