//Varian's POV//

Did I hear correctly? Did it really happen? Did I kill Feldspar? No, it has to be a coincidence, right? I didn't specify the death.. so how.. how did he die?

"I heard he died from a heart attack.. but it's weird, he didn't mention anything about heart problems." I heard one of them say. Fuck.. it was probably me. It felt.. how do I put it.. awesome? It felt like time stop and all I could do is laugh and laugh and laugh! Oh, it felt so good.

Then time continued again, and I stopped laughing, walking away. 


I've been writing names down. People are dying. Does it make me a murderer? No, I don't think it is. I'm not directly going up to them and forcing them to have heart attacks or anything. Well I am, but- you know what I mean.

Someone knocked on my door. Fuck. I slammed the Death Note shut and pushed it under my bed. Close one.

"Come in!" I said.

My door opened and my Dad appeared. "Hey Varian. Just wanted to see how you were doing.."

"Good!" I said. Oh I was very awkward. "I'm doing good!" I let out an awkward laugh. I'm acting really suspicious right now.

Dad seemed to brush over it and replied. "Oh okay." 

A moment of silence.

"Son, I just.. please be safe. Deaths are happening all around and no one knows who or what is causing it."

Fuck. It's getting more well-known. I'm getting more well-known. "All right Dad. But who do you think is causing it?" 

"I don't know, but people are calling him Kira."

"Hmm.. interesting name, Kira." So that's what I'm being called.

"Yeah.." We sat in silence again, until Dad closed my door. Finally. I grabbed the notebook and opened it again and continued writing. 


It was about half an hour until midnight, and I was still sitting down. I think I should take a break and sleep. Nah, I can't sleep due to my insomnia. I sighed and closed my notebook and slid it under my bed. 

"I've seen you've taken a liking to the notebook." Said a voice I'm unfamiliar with. It sounded weird.

I turned around to look at it and the figure's appearance scared me. I stumbled back a bit and my eyes went wide open. "W-Who are you?" I tried to say in a quiet voice, trying not to wake my Dad up.

"Just some shinigami." He smirked. What was a shinigami?

I looked away from him. "And why are you here?"

"Probably because you have my Death Note."

"Yours? But it fel-"

"I'm aware of that. I let it fall. And I have my own notebook."

I nodded, understanding what he said. Looks like I have a partner in crime.

The way it ends //VAT7K/TTS DEATH NOTE CROSSOVEROnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora