( nineteen ) amethyst

Start from the beginning

"Okay, one, don't call me by that, and two, I don't even like you, so why are you talking to me?"

"Whatever." I grumbled, my feet slamming to the ground. Pushing open the door that separates the cab from the bunks, I slid through it, and was welcomed by a gust of hot and humid air.

"You got everything you need, sis?" Joe asked. He was standing beside Patrick, who was staring into space absent minded.

I nodded, walking over to grab his hand as Andy came out into the hot air. His eye looked horrible and I wasn't surprised because Pete always wore boots.

"You guys can come in, it's, um, kind of hot outside, and you need to change." Ashton spoke quietly, his head cocked slightly to the side. Bracelets with logos from bands and bold words scattered his arms, his torso covered in a loose Ramones shirt, black sweatpants on his legs, his hair damp and unstyled.

"Okay," Joe responded. I followed him up the stairs to Five Seconds of Summer's bus with Andy following us. I felt quite uncomfortable as I saw Petra spread out onto the black leather couch. Her arms were now covered up with a dark colored hoodie that possibly belonged to Luke, who was nowhere in sight.

The hood was pulled up over her head, hiding her face from my view.

"You guys can keep your stuff in here for now, we can sort out sleeping arrangements later on." Calum directed at my brother, Andy, and I, laying my bag down beside Joe's.

"Thank you," Andy muttered, quietly.

He always had to be the polite one out of the bunch aside from Mr. Patrick Stump.

Calum nodded in acknowledgement as Petra shifted on the couch, her eyes meeting mine, her arm resting on her forehead.

"Welcome to our humble abode," she muttered. "We are not responsible for any nudity or inappropriate things you witness here."

I laughed slightly, pushing my hand through my brown hair, "Hoping I don't witness any of that, don't prefer to see any dicks."

"Well, I find that remotely offensive." Michael snipped, leaning against the wall, a smirk across his lips, "I think you should be honored to witness any nudity around here, we are pretty impressive, ya know."

I raised my eyebrows at the green haired boy. "Impressive? I walked in on Pete Wentz naked before."

"I bet that's impressive," Petra mumbled into her hoodie sleeve.

"Not when you see it often, it's loses it's dazzle." I remarked.

Throwing his bag down with a thud, the many items shoved inside hitting the ground loudly, Pete shuffled in behind Patrick, rolling his eyes, "You and the entire human population who have seen it multiple times and will continue to, considering it's all over the world wide web for teenage eyes."

Petra's arm fall away from her forehead, a light smirk on her face. "Who's fault is that? Since it will never go away, embrace it."

Pete gave her his signature smirk before crossing his arms. "How would you like it if your boobs were exposed all over the Internet?"

"Do not talk about those," Michael snapped at him.

Petra shrugged. "Hayley Williams' nudes were released and she's alright. Most people don't know about it."

"Yeah and so were Calum's, but that's because he's a horny son of a bitch who can't control himself," Luke spoke, nodding in the direction of us as he strode into the room, sitting at the end of the couch beside Petra's feet.

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