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In the Eggman base, which was abandoned by the Dr., is a cell. In that cell is Sonic, beaten and bruised but alive.

Then theres a noise from the ceiling. As the hedgehog looks Shadow lands infront of the cell.

His ears perk up and a smile goes across his face.


Shadow puts his finger over his own mouth as he starts unlocking the cage.

Shadow opens the door and Sonic limps out.

Before the two can get out of the cellblock a explosive device gets thrown at them and detonates.

In the hall the Metal Sonic with a skull on his head laughs, then he notices something moving.

He jumps to the side as a fist his the wall he was standing near.

The metal realizes who punched the wall. Shadic.

[Battle Music: HIS WORLD-Sleeping Forest Cover]

The metal flies down the hall and Shadic follows. Shadic catches up to the Metallic hedgehog and they start trading blows.

At high speeds the two block punches, get kicked, and throw each other.

Shadic goes to throw a punch, Metal blocks but Shadic teleports behind him and roundhouse kicks him into a wall.

Shadic lands and looks at the duplicate. Then he looks forward and sees the entire army of Metals Nemesis has.

Shadic smirks as he cracks his knuckles.

"All right!"

Then an alarm sounds declaring a self destruct has been initiated and will complete in one minute.

The Skull metal laughs prompting Shadic to respond with.

"What are you laughing at? This just makes this more fun!"

He disappears in a flash.


In the bases main room Nemesis readys her escape as Optimus appears behind her.

"So, you killed Megatron."

She turns around with a smile.

"And you did it without mercy!"

"It had to be done."

"Now you're starting to sound like me brother."

Then Nemesis gets pinned to a wall by a metal beam thrown by Optimus.

Nemesis looks at the shoulder its lodged in and tries to pull it out. Optimus walks up and bends the beam around her arm.

He steps back as the Chaos Emeralds appear and fly away.

"I will admit, the Emeralds power might has influence me to quickly take out Megatron."

Then the alarm sounds saying 10 seconds to detonation.

"But I won't kill you sis, I'll let your own plan to screw with do do."

A ground bridge appears and Optimus starts walking towards it.

"Optimus wait! I'll change, I'll be good!"

Optimus responds.

"How many times have I fell for that, only to have a loved one die?"

Before he walks through the ground bridge Nemesis pleads again.

"Optimus please! I don't want to die!"

Optimus ignores her and disappears into the bridge.

Defeated, she hangs her head as the alarm says five seconds.


The last metal falls as the alarm sounds. The skull metal stands.

"Guess this is it, Hedgehog."

Then the Chaos Emeralds appear and Shadic absorbs them.

"For you maybe."

The metal tries to make a run for it but Shadic grabs him.

"Where do you think you're going?"

Then the count down hits zero. Shadic kicks Metal away, and as Metal looks at Shadic he teleports away leaving the duplicate to get consumed by the explosion.

[Music End]



After saying goodbye to the rest of the crew, Sonic and Shadow are with Optimus  looking at the sun rise.

"Been one heck of a day."

Sonic says.

"No shit."

Shadow responds with a slight chuckle.

Sonic looks at Optimus.

"Sorry this wasn't the reunion we hoped for."

"Dont be." The Autobot leader responds. "I'm just glad you're safe."

Sonic smirks and looks at Shadow.

"Time to go."

Shadow nods and pulls out an Emerald.

Sonic puts his hand on Shadows shoulder and looks at Optimus.


"Goodbye, Sonic."

The hedgehogs teleports away leaving Optimus to look at the sky.


In an unknown location a cybertronian walks up on a table with life support equipment. On that table is Megatron.


(A/N: Because my life is hectic right now this might be the last I upload in awhile, but I do have a few stories in the works so I'm not abandoning my page. I will say one of the stories is another Sonic related one and the other is a remake of a story I deleted. Anyway, that's all I've got for today.)

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