Pippa Reborn: Is This A Isekai?!?!

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Chapter 1 Reborn in A Parallel World, Wait, Is This A Isekai!?!?!

Pippa pov

6 months after Pipkin Pippa m  to Japan by the countryside in the Kyoto area, she is making great progress with her Vtuber career. One day, she was streaming until 10:30pm. and decided to take a break and go to a local convenience to get snacks. On her way out of the store, she feels a weird sensation come over but bushes it off. She figured she was just tired after being up all night yesterday and all day today.
She rubs the sleep out of her eyes. As she did that, she didn’t see the drunk driver that was falling asleep behind the wheel. when she did notice, it was too late as she was hit at 60mph, breaking every bone in her body, killing her instantly. The next thing she knew was in a tight place, but she didn’t feel uncomfortable
Whatever Pippa was expecting after getting hit by truck-kun. waking up with light silver hair with fluffy fox ears as she was being Isekai, wasn't it. She wasn't in a hospital, nor was she in a womb. She was in a dark space that had a red outline. The little fox girl started to move around as she heard a voice calling her name. She opened her eyes as she was greeted by a man behind a desk reading a newspaper while putting out a cigarette.
"Oh, you finally awaken, am Death and your dead, so let's get this paperwork started. How did you die?" He asked as he put the newspaper down and looked at her
Pipka was shocked she dead? She died from being hit by a drunk driver? This had to be a bad dream or something. "I... I was walking back to my apartment after a trip to the store to get snacks, then got hit by a truck and died. I'm not really sure what happened. "
Death looked at the news paper and saw the accident, "Yeah that explains the condition your body is in, now lets finish your paperwork" He said as he pulls out a stack of paperwork with an inkpen. "Now name, age, occupation, and race"
"Pippa, 22, vtuber, and  human." She said. "I do have a question tho, why do I have Fox ears and a tail?"
"It's a new feature we added to help deal with people that die young or who are in bad situations or who are confused by death itself, so we gave them animal ears and a tail so they can calm down, so don't worry about them going away. So you are a vtuber? So that makes me think if you're in a Vtuber or real life group, pick the one you feel more comfortable with"
Pippa was happy about the ears and tail not going away, but she still didn't feel comfortable. She thought about it for a moment before giving her answer, "I would like to join the vtuber group, and also, could I start over as a human please."
Death gave her a sad look and said, " Am sorry, but that's not possible. The best I can do is reincarnate you into a different world." He said. He was lying. He could reincarnate her if he wanted, but he felt that he would be making a huge mistake. "And yes, you can start over, but as a beastkin, I'm sorry for doing this to you." He said
Pippa didn't seem to be happy, but she knew she would have to deal with the situation. "I'll accept the offer, but I'm still a little nervous about this," She said
"Don't worry about it, the next life will be better than the last." Death said with a smile. He pulls out a crystal ball that has a small light green light. He places the ball in front of Pippa and touches the top of the ball, and it lights up. The light expands to the point where everything around them is engulfed in the light. "Good luck" was the last thing Pippa heard as she felt like her mind was being ripped apart.
The next thing she knows is she waking up in a very elegant room. Getting up she noticed every thing was a lot bigger than her so she made her way to a mirror on the wall and saw she looked to be about 3 years old with cute fox years and a tail that looked fluffy to the touch. A knock on the door startled her as the most beautiful woman in her life with her nine snow white fox tails swaying as she walked over to her. She is dressed in her illustrious kimono colored snow-white as well, with fur on the shoulders, has gold accents on the cuffs, and blue lines accompanying them. The kimono is held together by her Obi, a sash around the belly,
She has a Japanese style ornamentation: ribbon knots in her hair, bracelets in her hands, rings on her fingers, a pair of Geta sandals. a blue necklace accessory worn at her waist, and Japanese rings near the tips of her nine fox tails. These rings seem similar to Buddhist prayer beads, denoting some measure of spiritual or magical meaning. Pippa assumed this but was dismissed as she was face to face with a real-life kitsune. Her mind is going totally blank.
"Hello there Kaguya-chan, how are you?" the motherly figure said. "What's wrong, little one? Cat got your tongue, " She asked jokingly, knowing the child had no idea what was going on.
"Wh.. who are you, and where am I?" the child asked. Confused, the woman looked at her child. "Did you hit your head, sweetie? Am your mother, and this is our home."
The little kitsune started to panic. She had no clue what was going on. How was this possible? What happened to her life on Earth? "Mother, where is Earth?" she asked
"Earth?" She asked with a tilt of her head. "I don't think I ever heard of that place." She thought to herself for a moment. "What year was Earth formed?" she asked.
"It was formed in 4004 BC." Pippa answered. "Mother, what year is it?"
The mother was speechless. She looked at her daughter like she was crazy. "The year is 6001 BT. I think you hit your head. I'm going to get you some tea and get your father to check on you."
As the woman walked out the door, Pippa's heart sank. What happened to her? Why was she here? And most importantly, what did she do wrong? Tears began to flow as the young kitsune broke down crying. She felt like she had lost everything and everyone. Her home, her family, her friends, her career.
Her father came in shortly  he is quite handsome. He is a slender young man. He has fair skin with pointed ears, slanted golden eyes with slit pupils, and knee-length black hair with short bangs. He has a violet crescent moon on his forehead that could be seen beneath his bangs, two magenta stripes on each cheek, and a magenta stripe on each eyelid His fingernails and toenails are long and pointed. He is wearing a black haori over a dark violet kimono and black tabi boots.
Bending down, he picks up his daughter crying from him and starts to comfort her as best as possible. After calming down, he looks at her with concern. "What's the matter, my little kit?"
"I want to go home!" Pippa cried. She buried her head into her father's chest.
Confused, he asked, "Were he home for you?" because to my best knowledge, your home is here with me and your mother."
Pippa was silent. She had no idea how to answer her father's question. She couldn't tell him that she was from another world. He would probably think that she was crazy.
Seeing the trouble look on her, he gives her a comforting smile. "Dear, I promise I will listen to whatever you have to say. What type of father would I be if I didn't listen to my child's problems?" He said, trying to get her to open up
"Well..." Pippa began. "I used to be a vtuber and a very popular one at that. People loved me. But then, one night, after a long day of streaming and being up all night, I went to the store for snacks. Then, I was hit by a drunk driver and died."
The father was in shock, but he kept a straight face. "So, what happened after you died?" he asked.
"I woke up in a dark room, and a guy named Death told me that he was going to reincarnate me and asked me if I wanted to start over or just die again." Pippa said. "I wanted to start over, so he reincarnated me here."
The father nodded and thought for a moment. "I see, believe it or not, there have been cases like that all around the world here. I believe the term people called them is otherworlder." Her father explained. "You're not the first one to say you are from another world. I think there is a total of 300 that have come and settled in. But the question is, why do you think you were sent here, and why do you think you're not the same species as you were."
"I have no idea." Pippa said.
Her father looked her up and down, then sighed. "Well, there's no point in dwelling on the past. You're here now, and that's all that matters. Besides, you are my flesh and blood. I will love you no matter what."
Pippa nodded and hugged her father. "I love you, Daddy."
"I love you too, Kaguya." her father replied.
The mother came back into the room with the tea in hand, setting the tea down she looked at the father. "Everything alright now?" She asked.
"Yes, everything is alright, I have learned much, and I think we can talk about it later. For now, we should get ready for breakfast and discuss it later in the afternoon or so." He said.
Later that day, Pippa's father called her to the library with her mother. "We need to have a talk about what happened this morning."
"I'm listening." Pippa said.
"First off, I believe introductions are in order. I am Trihexa, am a primordial god, and was the God of Hell now. I believe it's run by 10 other demon lords." her father stated. "This is your mother, Yukime Aikawa, and she is the Kitsune Queen and rules over Kararagi."
"Wait! Wait! Wait! What's going on?" Pippa exclaimed. "What do you mean you're a Primordial God, and what the hell is Kararagi?"
"Oh my, Kaguya-chan is a little slow, isn't she." Her mother giggled.
The Kararagi City-States is one of the four great nations of the world. It is known for being a center of trade across the continent and its proto-capitalistic market structure. Many of its citizens are heavily individualistic in nature, leading to the rise of businesses and free enterprise. There are a few major corporations that run most of the economy, but most of its citizens are either merchants, businessmen, or adventurers.
The population consists primarily of humans, beastkin, dwarves, and elves, although there are a few notable exceptions. Most of the residents are merchants or business owners, though there are some adventurers who come from other countries to seek fortune and glory.
The city-states have been ruled by your mother since its founding. However, there have been several attempts at coups and revolutions in the past. As a result, the city-states have maintained a military, with the bulk of their forces made up of mercenaries. Trihexa explained to his daughter.
"So you're the ruler of this city-states, and you are the Queen, so that means I am royalty?" Pippa asked.
"Yes." Yukime said.
"But wait, if you're the Queen, then where is the King? "You're looking at him Trihexa said with a smirk.
"Ok, this is just getting more confusing by the second." Pippa sighed.
"Let's see if we can help." Trihexa said. "Kaguya, do you remember how you were born?"
Pippa closed her eyes and concentrated. After a few moments, she opened them and said, "I do. It was in a dark room. The room was filled with mist, and I could see a figure in the distance. The figure was a man, and he was holding a baby. When the mist cleared, I saw that the man was my father, and the baby was me. Then, a woman appeared behind my father and took the baby away. My father then disappeared, and the woman turned into a kitsune. That's all I remember."
"Well, you are not far off. The only thing you are missing is that the man that was holding you was a primordial god, and I'm him, and the kitsune is your mother." Trihexa explained.
"I guess I was lucky that I was reincarnated here then." Pippa smiled.
"Now, I think it's time for you to learn a few things about our world." Trihexa said. "There are eight continents in the world, Central continent, Begaritt conitent, Milis continent, Continent of Valorait, Continent of Shurima, Continent of Ionia, Demon content, and finally a large continent that houses four major powers: Gusteko to the barren north, Vollachia to the fertile south, Kararagi towards the west, and Lugunica occupying the eastern edge of continent. Beyond them, there are several smaller kingdoms that surround and sit in between them. Currently, we are in Kararagi, which is the closest city-state to Lugunica."
"What does that mean for us?" Pippa asked.
"Well, it means we're pretty close to a neighboring nation, which can be good or bad. Good because it means we have easy access to supplies, goods, and services. Bad because it means our neighbors are probably plotting against us." Trihexa said.
Pippa nodded. "Makes sense. So, what do we do now?"
Trihexa thought for a moment. "How about we go exploring? It'll be good for you to see the outside world. You can meet the other kids in the castle and see if you can make any new friends. I believe my sister is here, and she brought her son and daughter"
"Alright, sounds good." Pippa said. "When are we going?"
"Now." Trihexa said as he grabbed his daughter's hand. They headed to the front gates and saw a carriage waiting for them.
Out came a beautiful girl in her mid-20s with considerably large breasts, a round rear, and slender legs all donned in a revealing gothic lolita dress. She wears an eyepatch that covers a curse mark within her left eye that contains plentiful droplets of Samael's blood, which serve as supressors for her power. Next to her was a handsome man with short spiky brown hair, with two short locks of hair behind his head, and light green eyes and slitted pupils. He wears a dark green samue. Over this, he wears a black haori, which sports a white diamond pattern along its bottom half, reminiscent of an inverted captain's haori. wearing traditional Japanese wooden sandals (geta) and a striped dark green and white bucket hat. Next to them are two cute kids that looked to be around the age of 2 and 3 years old.
"Ahhhh~" the beautiful woman said as she embraced the queen and king. "Long time no see~."
"Same to you, Ophis-Chan." Yukime said.
"It has been too long."Issei said.
"Hey, Uncle Issei, Auntie Ophis." Pippa said as she bowed.
"Kaguya-chan! You're so cute now, " Ophis said.
"Hello, little one." Issei  said with a smile as he pats her head.
"Auntie Ophis, Uncle Issei, who are these two cuties?" Pippa asked.
Ophis picked up one of the kids. "This is our daughter, Akari Hyoudou, and this is our son, Takashi Hyoudou. Their about the same age as you, dear." Ophis said with a smile.
"Nice to meet you, I'm Kaguya Aikawa. It's nice to meet you both." Pippa said as she shook hands with them.
"Kaguya-san, are you really a kitsune?" Takashi asked.
"That's what they told me." Pippa said.
Takashi stared at Pippa for a few seconds. "So, are you a fox, or are you a person that turns into a fox?"
Unsure how to answer this, she hides behind her mother legs in embarrassment. Seeing this, Issei chuckled and picked her up. "You see Takashi when she was in her last life she was a human, she was hit by a car and died, and she met a person name death, who told her she could either continue her life or be reborn, she choose rebirth, and was born as a Kitsune, her real name is Pippa." Trihexa explained it to me a couple of hours ago. Issei said
"So she was a person, and then turned into a fox? Cool!" Takashi said.
Pippa smiled shyly and blushed a little bit. She was happy to make a new friend.
"I have a suggestion for you all." Trihexa said. "How about we let Kaguya play with Takashi and Akari-chan for a while?"
"Sounds good." Ophis said.
"Agreed, they could use the extra company." Issei said.
"Well, I suppose that's okay." Yukime said worried."Just don't go too far, okay kids."
"Okay, Mommy." Pippa said as she gave her mom a big hug.
"Yes, Auntie Yukime." Akari said.
"Alright, have fun, and remember to be home by supper time." Issei said as he and the other adults went into the mansion to catch up.
As the trio started to play, Akari began to feel a little uneasy. "Is something wrong, Akari-chan?" Pippa asked.
Akari hesitated, then finally answered, "It's nothing really."
"Are you sure?" Takashi asked.
"It's fine, it's just..." Akari said, trailing off.
"You're afraid of getting hurt." Takashi finished.
Akari nodded.
Pippa thought for a moment, and then an idea came to her. "How about we have a competition?"
"What kind of competition?" Takashi asked.
"If you win, you can ask me anything, and if I win, I get to ask you something. Sound good?" Pippa said.
Akari looked uncertain. "I don't know..."
"Please?" Pippa pleaded.
"Come on, Akari-chan. You never know. You might have a chance at winning." Takashi said.
Akari sighed. "Fine. But only if you're willing to play the game."
Pippa and Takashi grinned. "Deal." They both said in unison.
"So, what do we play?" Akari asked.
"How about we play tag? Whoever gets caught first loses. Does that sound fair?" Takashi said.
"Sounds like fun." Pippa said.
The trio made their way to the back garden and began to chase each other.
Akari was the first to get caught, but she was fast and easily escaped from Pippa and Takashi's grasp.
"Wow! Akari-chan is so fast." Pippa said.
"And you're so much slower than us. How do you ever catch us?" Takashi asked.
Pippa huffed and tried to catch Akari again but failed.
"Looks like you'll have to catch me before you can ask me a question." Akari taunted.
"Fine, if that's how you want it." Pippa said as she got up and began to chase Akari again. Deciding to put more effort into running, she unknowingly pushed her yokai energy through her legs, making her a tad bit faster, surprising them a bit.
"Hey! No fair! Using your tail to run faster is cheating!" Akari cried.
"No, it's not! And besides, I'm not using my tail to run faster. It's just helping me keep balance." Pippa said.
"Yeah, yeah. Whatever." Akari said.
Pippa kept chasing Akari until she finally caught her.
"Got you!" Pippa yelled.
"Oh, no!" Akari cried.
"Time for a question. What's the matter, Akari-chan? Can't handle a little game of tag?" Pippa teased.
"I can handle anything you throw at me." Akari said, puffing out her cheeks.
"Really? Then I dare you to kiss Takashi-kun." Pippa said, with a grin. "Ewwwww gross he, my brother."
"Hey, you wanted a challenge." Pippa said.
"Do I have to?" Akari whined.
"You said you can handle anything." Pippa said, poking her forehead.
"Well, I am not doing that." Akari pouted
"Why not? It's just a little kiss." Takashi said.
"It's not the same." Akari said, blushing.
"If it's not the same, then why won't you do it?"
"Because it be on the lips, but if it's on, just the cheeks, then it be fine for me."
"Oh, now it's making sense." Takashi said as he leaned in and kissed her on the cheek.
Akari's face turned bright red, and she quickly looked away.
"Well, that's settled. Now, it's time for me to ask a question. So, Akari-chan, why are you so afraid of getting hurt?" Pippa asked.
Akari didn't say anything and just stared at the ground.
"It's okay, Akari-chan. You can tell us." Pippa said softly.
"Alright, I'll tell you." Akari said hesitantly. "It's because my parents are a bit protective of me, I was very sick as a baby."
"But we are blood related, so I thought you were a dragon as me." Takashi said.
"Well, I did, but I'm not. I guess I was just born that way. Anyway, I was sick a lot, and my parents would always worry about me, and I hated it. So, when I was older, I told them I was sick and that I didn't want them to worry about me anymore. After that, I didn't get sick as much, and they were able to relax a bit. But even though I'm not as sick as I used to be, I still get scared sometimes, and I hate it."
"Awww, Akari-chan. We understand." Pippa said.
"We're sorry if we upset you." Takashi said.
Akari looked surprised, and then she smiled. "It's alright, I'm glad that I was able to tell you guys about it."
"I think it's time for another game of tag. This time, I'll go first." Pippa said, and without waiting for a response, she ran after Takashi, leaving a shocked Akari behind.
"Hey! That's not fair!" Akari shouted as she chased after them.
For the next few hours, the three kids continued to play together, having the time of their lives.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19 ⏰

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