Chapter 11: Edmund's return

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Peter began to run towards the sound.

I went to join him, but I ran, and my boots had other plans.

"Oh woah woah!" I panicked. My feet, taking me, passed Peter and down to the sisters' tent. I dug in my heels and managed to stop myself, well...

I crashed and tripped over a wolf! I screamed and kicked the beast in the head and crawled away from it. I quickly stood up. The wolf was still disoriented on the ground.

I took one quick step, and I was back at least three yards.

"Alice! Get help!" Susan cried. The sisters were stuck in a tree, a wolf snapping at their dangling feet.

"Peter's coming!" I promised them.

The wolf I knocked to the ground stood up and growled at me. He slowly started to stalk toward me.

"Run Alice!" Lucy pleaded.

"Get back!"

I turned my head to see Peter splashing through the river toward me, his sword drawn.

The wolf backed off and went back to Lucy and Susan and his companion.

"Stay back!" Peter ordered me. He rushed past me and got the wolves attention off the sisters in the tree.

"Come on! We've already been through this before," the wolf warned. They snarled and circled around Peter. But Peter kept his eye, and sword pointed on them.

"We both know you haven't got it in you," the wolf taunted.

"Behind you!" I warned. One of the wolves was sneaking around to get him from the back.

I took a hasty step and crashed into the sneaking wolf, we rolled across the grass. My heart pounding in my ears, I quickly tried to pull myself away from the wolf, but it had landed on top of me. I believed myself to be doomed, but then a giant golden paw tore the wolf off of me.

I looked up and saw Aslan standing over us. The wolf whimpering under his claws.

"Thank you," I whispered.

His golden eyes studied me for a moment, and then he looked up at Peter.

Orieus and a troop of warriors rode in, Orieus had his sword ready to slay the wolf.

"No! Stay your weapons. This is Peter's battle," Aslan ordered.

I stood up and watched Peter with wide eyes.

You can do this. I know you can.

"You may think you're a king," the remaining wolf growled. "But you're going to die... like a dog!" He shouted. The wolf jumped up and lunged at Peter. My hands flew to my mouth in horror as the wolf tackled Peter to the ground.

"Peter!" I yelled. But I stayed still. I wouldn't risk running into him and injuring him. I was starting to become annoyed with my boots.

Lucy and Susan climbed down from the tree and ran to their brother's side. I watched fearfully as they pushed the wolf's dead body off of Peter.

I let out a sigh of relief as Peter sat up, gasping from the intense moment.

I felt something touch my shoulder and turned to see that Orieus had brought my normal boots with him.

"Thanks," I told the Centar. I sat down and immediately began to take off the red boots. I'd master them someday, but it didn't need to be today.

Aslan released the wolf under his paw, and it went running away.

"After him, he'll lead you to Edmund," Aslan ordered. Orieus and his troop set off to follow the wolf back to enemies camp.

With my brown boots on, I raced over to Peter and crouched down, and put my hand on his shoulder.

"Magnificent job, Peter," I congratulated.

He smiled at me. He still looked a little shaken up. "You helped. But I have to say, that was brave for a girl, " he teased.

I punched his shoulder.

"Ow! Again?" He wined.

"Peter, clean your sword," Aslan instructed. Peter nodded and stood up.

I alone went down with Peter to the creek. He accepted a cloth from a fawn and started to wipe his sword clean.

"Do you think they'll find Edmund?" Peter asked me quietly.

I smiled. "I can only hope they do. But have faith, Peter. Things will go our way eventually," I said.

Peter lifted his sword from the stream and inspected it. "Good, yeah?" He asked.

I gave it once over. "Looks clean to me," I approved.

We looked up at Aslan, who was waiting a ways away with Lucy and Susan.

We walked back up, and I went and stood next to Lucy.

Peter stuck his sword in the ground and kneeled on the grass.

Aslan came and stood before him. He put a paw on his shoulder. "Rise, Sir Peter Wolf's-Bane, Knight, of Narnia."

Peter stood and looked at us with a smile.

I silently clapped and bounced on my tiptoes.

Peter sheathed his sword.


Lucy, Susan, and I had been chatting inside the tent.

"I'm going to check on Peter," I stated. The girls kept on talking as I rose and exited the tent.

Peter was standing about a yard away, looking at the sky.

"I'm sure they'll be back soon," I stated.

Peter whipped around. I grinned at his surprise. "A knight so caught off his guard?" I teased.

"Are you patronizing me?" Peter demanded. A mischievous grin on his face which reminded me so much of Edmund.

"Maybe. What if I was?" I asked. I walked over and stood next to him.

He looked back at the sky.

"I know you wouldn't," he said seriously.

My smile dropped, and I looked up at the sky.

The sound of horse hooves made me look back down.

"Orieus!" I gasped.

They're back!

He nodded to me, then tilted his head up to the cliff tops.

Peter and I eagerly looked to find Edmund standing there with Aslan. They were in deep conversation.

At this time, Lucy and Susan emerged from the tent.

Lucy gasped when she saw her second brother. "Edmund!" She shouted with joy. She tried to run to him, but Peter held her back. Knowing that he and Aslan shouldn't be interrupted.

The Lion and Edmund looked down at us, and then Aslan let Edmund go. We watched as the younger Pevensie boy navigated his way down the rocked hill and up to us.

We stood in silence until Aslan spoke.

"What's done is done. There is no need to speak to Edmund about what is past," the Lion instructed. We waited as the Lion turned and walked away. Leaving us with the fourth Pevensie sibling.

"Hello," Edmund said sheepishly.

Lucy sighed in relief and crushed her brother with a hug. I quickly followed and wrapped my arms around the two of them.

"I'm so glad you're back," I told him. Lucy and I let go, and Susan quickly took our place.

"Are you alright?" Susan asked after the huh ended.

"I'm a little tired," Edmund confessed.

"Get some sleep," Peter ordered, jerking his head toward the boy's tent.

I watched sadly as Ed began to head that way. He passed Peter, and the older brother called to the younger. "And Edmund?"

Edmund paused and looked back at Peter.

"Try not to wander off," Peter teased good-naturedly.

Edmund grinned bashfully and went to the tent.

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