Chapter 55: No Hiding

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The result of thinking too much at night was that it took Duan Jiayan till 1 to 2am in the morning to successfully fall asleep.

After he got to class, Lu Xingci saw him yawning a few times and asked, "Sleepy?"

Duan Jiayan nodded his head.

Lu Xingci, "What were you doing last night?"

He was just casually asking but he did not expect Duan Jiayan to aggressively turn around and stare at him.

This stare lasted for three to four seconds.

Duan Jiayan guiltily replied, "Nothing."

He couldn't possibly confess that he was up all night thinking of nonsensical stuff, in the end he seemed to even have had a dream that involved Lu Xingci.

Lu Xingci saw him like this and laughed.

Even though he felt fatigued, this was still his first day of being Lu Xingci's deskmate. After thinking of this, Duan Jiayan felt excited and studied his timetable, the first lesson was biology.

He was afraid he wouldn't be able to stay awake and so took out a box of sweets from under his table, prepared to eat one when he felt sleepy.

Duan Jiayan's mouth had a sweet while he held a pen in his hand.

Initially, he still fared fairly okay, as his biology teacher was explaining the two multiple-choice questions, he could still understand most of them.

The moment the teacher moved on to another question and he saw it projected on the screen, Duan Jiayan seemed to see black patches no matter how hard he looked.

Before he knew it, Duan Jiayan had finished his sweet and his pen had dropped onto the table.

His head was steadily drooping down.

Lu Xingci was done writing down a series of solutions and glanced sideways to see Duan Jiayan with his head down, seemingly falling asleep.

Lu Xingci reached out and lightly tapped him on the shoulder.

Duan Jiayan mumbled a reply after being tapped and used all his strength to blink twice before gathering his energy to look at the blackboard.

He whispered, "If I fall asleep again, just tap me."

Lu Xingci agreed to do so.

After another question was done, Lu Xingci turned to look beside him and saw the previously energetic youth once again with his head down.

He hesitated for a moment before following Duan Jiayan's request to wake him up. After the latter was caught off guard and woken up, he subconsciously glared at Lu Xingci before belatedly realising what was going on. Duan Jiayan felt that Lu Xingci was wronged by his angry glare and tried to appease him, "Lu-ge, you aren't tired this morning?"

"I'm usually not tired."

"I always want to not be tired," Duan Jiayan said as he picked up his pen. "I want to be as awesome as you."

Not long after he said that, Lu Xingci heard the sound of a pen falling on a table as he was solving a question.

He turned to his side and saw his new deskmate with his eyes closed.

Probably because he did not sleep well, the colour of Duan Jiayan's eyebags was a faint green colour. His side view was very easy on the eye, with his brow bone and nose bridge having an exceptional sense of youthfulness. His skin, under the classroom's light, was very fair and white.

Lu Xingci saw his head nodding every now and then, his hand clumsily holding up his jaw. In the end, he could not resist laughing.

His family's kid was trying very hard to not fall asleep.

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