The Five Princess

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Normal P.O.V

It was a peaceful evening for a certain quarter-yōkai (quarter-demon). She was checking up her gear before heading out.

"Ray, I have a job for you and your sister. Well, more like it's a job for Morons but I want you two to accompany her."

The dark ravenette shoots her head toward her shirtless father who stands by her door frame.
The elder twin let out a whine. "But dad!! I was going to head back to Fairy Tail and visit Dad (Natsu)! It's been ages since I've last seen him."

"It's just a simple slaying demon job. You can go to Magnolia after Moroha completes her job." Gray Fullbuster told his eldest daughter.

Rayna grunts frustrated. "You're so uptight now ever since mom disappeared! I am not usually the one that handles babysitting Moroha! She's a big girl that can take care of herself!"

Gray flinched upon hearing his wife being brought up. "I thought I told you to never speak about your mother in my presence ever again!" The ice mage raised his voice which caused his daughter to also flinch something she never had to do around him before.

Gray took a minute before he collected himself. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to raise my voice like that." He apologized quietly. Rayna didn't respond. "Get yourself ready. The girls are waiting outside." With that Gray walked out of his daughter's room.

"How about you put on a damn shirt before I go!" Ray yells recalling her father was shirtless in front of her.

Her two different colored eyes dart over to her nightstand stand where a picture frame is displayed. It was a picture of her and her mother. Unaware that she made her way over to pick it up, her eyes sting. " I miss you, mom. Dad (Gray) hasn't been the same since you left." She whispered bringing the photograph to her chest.  "Both of them are a mess without you."

Rayna places the picture frame back on her nightstand.

"Come on, sis! We ain't got all day!" Her younger sister, Nana shouts from outside the window.

"Pipe down! I'll be there in a second." Ray shouts back before gathering her things.

"It's about time," Nama complains when her older twin approaches them.

Ray rolled her eyes reaching her hand to pet Kilala's head. The twin tail cat belonged to their mother.

"That's no way to speak to someone that's doing you a favor!" Rayna retorts.

"Hey! I told Uncle Gray I could go on this bounty by myself. I don't know why he still sees me as a kid." Moroha their half-cousin pops up from the other side of Kilala.

"But you wouldn't mind my company right, Moroha? I am your favorite twin?!" Nana snickers.

Moroha shares the same expression. "You are my favorite twin. You so get me."

Ray rolled her eyes once more. "Oh, I'm so jealous." She was the first one to hop on Kilala's back. "Let's hurry up and get this over it. I'm planning on going to Fairy Tail today. So, I'm gonna need Kilala."

Nana's eyes sparkled. "Oooh!! I wanna see Dad too!" She says getting behind her sister. "Moroha, you wanna come with?"

Moroha hoped in last hiding her frown. "Sure. It's been a while since I last saw Uncle Natsu." She envied her cousins that they still had both their dads in their lives. Moroha doesn't remember her parents much. All she remembers is that she has been living with the twins and her Uncle Gray since she was an infant. The only thing she knows about her parents is that her Aunt Shana is the step-sister of her father. But she tries not to let that mope her around.

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