Trust - T.R

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The sky was dark, clouds crowding the bright stars. I could barely see the light of the moon peaking through from behind the clouds.

It was unusually quiet in the garden. The Flower Arch was displayed in front of me, outlining a black SUV. I stayed where I sat, and have been sat for the past hour. The car could only belong to one person.

A cold breeze hit my face, sharper than it had for the past hour. I sat on the front steps of the house. The door behind me where my back leant against was old and beaten but somehow still standing. Brown wood and a cute window at the top middle.

The house was big, in matter of a fact it wasn't a house. It was mansion. And i've lived here my entire life.

Over a few birds chirping in the trees I could make out the sound of the kitchen window opening. A silhouette of a fragile woman sticking her head out was seen in my peripheral vision. "Y/n, honey!" The voice called, sweet and soft.

Standing up I kicked away the few stones i had managed to gather. "Coming Stacey!" I called back, pushing open the large door and shutting it behind me.

Walking further into the foyer, i was met with a house elf, housemaid, and my father. My father was a typical bodybuilder dad, despite the fact he now had a dad bod and was a bit chubby round the cheeks. He had long, greyish, hair, quite obviously balding around his hairline. Blue eyes, a lot like mine, and a stubble. His eyes always seemed to be threatening, like he was holding obnoxious by choice and enjoyed it.

I smiled slightly, slipping my jacket off and leaving it on the coat rack. My father returned the smile, holding his arms out for a hug, which I happily granted. "There she is." He grinned his hands staying on my shoulders.

My lips curled into a small frown. "Is everything okay?" I knew something was wrong before anything had happened. He didn't ask me how I was. Something was wrong.

"I would like you to meet someone. Someone very special to me." There it was. My father pat my shoulders.

I licked my lips and bit my cheek as I followed him into another room. Our shoes, the housemaids, my fathers, and my shoes clicked against the wooden floor as we made our way into the main room.

Soon the wooden planks turned to carpet and we were stood in the main room by the fire place. I put my hands in front of me and turned to face my father. "Who is that someone? And why are we just stood here?" I raised my eyebrows flattening the back of my hair with my right hand.

He shushed me hearing the front door open and several feet walk in. Several men, a few women one of which I recognised as Bellatrix Lestrange, crowded the room.

One man stood out in particular, he was pale and had just about no hair. He was in a green robe, a wand in his hands held by slender fingers.

It had happened to my mother and my sister, it was only a matter of time till it was my turn. I gulped seeing as, one by one, my father's men entered the room, and soon the only woman were me, the housemaid, Lestrange, and platinum blonde and black haired woman.

Stepping forward with his hand extended my father approached the bald man. "Tom Sr. It's so good to meet you in the flesh, instead of letters and owls." He grinned flashing his crooked teeth.

The bald man, Tom Sr., accepted the hand my father gave, his eyes landing on me. "Pleasure, is this the girl?" He asked before turning to me.

I took a discreet step back only to hit a hard chest I could only tell as my brothers. I gasped but stayed put. My brother was a narcissist. He only cared for himself and his needs but he still knew when to step in and I hoped he would. But I saw it, in his eyes, the fear. Something I'd never seen in his eyes before.

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