Chapter One - The Start

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Hey. I'm Maxine, 19 years old and living in Hurricane. I have black hair and green eyes. I've always had a liking to.. technician's and whatnot!
I've been quite.. fond of trying to get a job at that.. quite strange Freddy Fazbears Pizza place, it seems pretty cool overall.

Tw: mentions of suicide.
Chapter One
Bright, eye-hurting sunshine sprawled through the window, crawling up the walls, making me groan.
I sighed, another day, where I wanted to fucking die. Life was around the corner, yes. But unfortunately for me, I didn't want it to be.
I stretched my limbs with ease, until I heard a click and I rubbed my eyes.
Today, it was full of opportunities to get a job.
I lifted myself out of bed, and got out my best clothes, I got a nirvana t-shirt, shorts and a plain, black hat. I went into the kitchen, and got some cereal.
I ate as quick as I could, I checked my watch.
"7:50am." I nodded to my watch, I think I would be ontime.
I walked out of my house wearing my earphones and I swerved to the bus stop. I had to wait a few minutes before the bus came. I gave the driver money and hopped on. I sat at the back, two... younger men sat next to me, well close to me atleast. One had brown messy hair with blue eyes, and another with black hair and green eyes. I kept listening to my music. They must of snickered at me once or twice but I didn't give two shits.

Finally I reached my spot, and it seemed like the two boys did too. I had to walk for a few minutes to actually get to the Pizza Place. The two boys followed behind me, I thought nothing of it.

I finally saw where I was meant to go and I entered. The place was littered with children and family members! I needed a job. I tried to find offices.

Fortunately I found an office that was embedded with a large text sign:
"MR. EMILY." I knocked and a jolly voice bellowed "Enter."
I peeked my head through the doorway and it was a man with blonde-ish hair and a beard. He smiled as I entered.
"Hi.." I said, nervously "I'm here to see if you're hiring?"

His eyes lit up, and went in a chest of steel draws.
"Yes - well"
He rummaged through the draws before getting the sheet he was looking for.
"We are - infact hiring. You can either do.. the nightshift or the day shift, we have multiple jobs. We are low on..."
He took a moment to finish his sentence.     "Employees."

"Right." i nodded.
He looked at the sheet and raised an eyebrow. "Hold on, lovely. This is the wrong sheet - I think William took the spare ones for "safekeeping". He groaned.
He grabbed a phone (an old one from olden days) and he dialed a number. They picked up immediately. All the words I got were small murmurs.

"Mhm. Yes. She's here, yep. Mm, okay. That's fine. Come down."
A couple moments passed. "He'll be here any time to take you along and make sure you get the sign in sheet." He said with a lovely smile, and I said okay.
Another minute passed and a rather tall, lean man with brown hair and blue eyes. He looked quite handsome, but I don't think I was really attracted.
"Please take this girl to fill in the form." He said to him.
"Hello, love. I'm William. How lovely it is a day for you to ask for hire!" He shook my hand, he smiled. His smile made me really uneasy, like.. a deep dark feeling inside me told me i shouldn't trust him. I shook it off, shaking his hand back
'Hello" i replied.

"If you just come with me, ...?" He said, clearly asking for my name but I didn't get the hint.
"Oh, sorry, its Maxine." I laughed nervously.
"Well, come along Maxine." He grinned, and I followed after him to his office. I sat down on a black leather chair and he handed me a form. "If you'd just sign here, dear."

I filled in the form.

For Hire Sheet

Maxine Curt
Gender Female

My resume was on the bottom and a stamp of CV from when I used to do work experience in car-manufacturing.

"Lovely, well done. Well, you get the job today - no need for a background check for a lovely girl such as you." He clicked.

"Sir, I'm 19, not a girl anymore." I said, and he rolled his eyes.
"What's the difference?" He made me giggle slightly.

"Starting from today, you can go and.." He thought for a moment.
"Fix some animatronics. Seeing here how your CV states you worked as a car manufacturer, I'm sure you'll do great."
He looked at me, but his eyes went slightly darker.
"Alright, great! I'll go get set up." I cheerily walked away. I felt his eyes pinned on my back as I left the room. After I left I heard him call someone but I thought nothing of it.

"I didn't get any uniform, but, alright. Guess I'll just.. start." I mumbled to myself before entering parts and service. There was a small stench, but I ignored it. Funny enough, there was another girl here!
I touched her shoulder and she turned around, startled. "Oh - hey, are you new?" She asked. And I said "Yeah, I am i guess. I was told to sort out some of these robots."
"Oh, great! I'm Lydia, you can go work on.. Bonnie over there." She said.
I nodded my thanks and got to work.

"Soooo.. whats up with them then?' I moped around, confused.

"Well, Bonnie just needs a clean, just incase there is any residue from children like hats and stuff. Chica has been acting really strange and aggressive towards the staff." She said with a dazzled look on her face

"Ah." I said and I clipped the back of the head, where it let me take off the head with ease revealing the endoskeleton beneath. I found a stopwatch and pulled it out putting it into the bin below.
I opened up his chestplate, revealing a nasty sight. There was an eyeball, a hat, and a.. rather big tooth.
"Eugh! What the fuck!" I stepped back and Lydia came to look.
"Oh.." She said and looked to me. "You should probably tell Henry and also end your shift. I don't want you leaving on a bad note." She said and I shifted towards Henry's office.

I knocked.
"Come in." A voice grumbled, again, Henry's eyes lit up.
"Hiya, Maxy." He said and I corrected him. "Maxine."
"Right yes, Maxine. Anyways, what do you want?" He said, writing on some paper.
"Well I found an eyeball in Bonnie's suit.. and a tooth and a hat.. I left it with Lydia cos' she told me to."
I saw Henry's face become quite uneasy and unsteady. "Oh.. I'll get William to sort that out. You can clock out if you want."
I nodded and left the building.

Cn - next chapter it's gonna start on when she arrives at work I'm not good at yk, starting off lol.

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