Kelly I, Eddie I, Sam I

300 19 29

Do I still have all my 9-1-1 fans with me after Thursday's episode? I ask because I'm pretty sure that ending broke YouTube shortly after clips were uploaded XD The show's move to ABC has been awesome, and I love that the show is getting this much attention. Plus . . . bi Buck!

Matt, Kelly, and the Dardens meet the Cosgroves, Eddie wishes May and TK would stop making connections, and the 2-7 family inch closer to adopting three first responders from Chicago. 

Not my best chapter, but a lot of this was written while I'm sick with a stomach bug. Oh, well. But hey - enjoy my new chapter sign-off at the end!


"So tomorrow is when Chief Boden is meeting Captains Strand and Nash?" Ben asked for clarification as they headed towards the courthouse.

"That sounds like the plan," Kelly confirmed with a glance at his phone. "It'll just be the three of them for a while, but I guess then the idea is to have a meet-up in Central Park."

"Is there a way to reserve the whole thing?" Matt snorted. "With how many people came from each side, it sounds like we need as much space as we can get."

"It's a park, Matt," Kelly rolled his eyes. "We can fit."

"The kids probably won't sit still for long, too," Griffin pointed out, absently watching their surroundings as people came and went from the courthouse. "And people from 51, at least, usually break off into their own little groups."

"That's true," Matt agreed, checking his messages to see where Sylvie had told them to meet.

"Casey and Severide?"

The unfamiliar voice from behind made the pair of officers stop, and they turned in unison, adjusting their stances so the Dardens were behind them. When Kelly saw the pale-eyed man in a suit walking towards them, a gold police badge glinting on his belt and a teenager with her dark hair in braids accompanying him, he relaxed and nodded. "Kelly Severide," he pointed to himself.

"Matt Casey," Matt held up his hand.

"Frank Cosgrove," the man introduced himself, extending his hand. "I didn't realize we would catch up to you out here."

"We took the scenic route," Matt chuckled and shook his hand, Kelly following suit. "Good to meet you, Detective."

"Likewise," Frank nodded and gestured to the girl with him. "This is my daughter, Lily."

"Hi," she waved at them.

"Hey," Griffin smiled in return. "I'm Griffin, and this is Ben."

Ben sighed in relief. "I'm glad we're not the only teenagers."

Lily laughed as the three adults exchanged amused looks. "The rest of the kids are great . . . but yeah, there's an age gap."

"And they're off to the races," Kelly quipped.

Frank snickered. "Lily is her mother's daughter in that regard."

"I swear, the boys somehow got it from Sylvie," Matt shook his head, watching as the teenagers immediately pulled out their phones and went to work exchanging contact information. "They're not quite social butterflies, but they've certainly become more open since we brought them to Chicago."

"We got the rundown about how the boys came to be in your care," Frank said, his expression darkening. "I'm sorry that happened to them."

Matt sighed and ran a hand over his face. "I still can't believe Heather did that to them."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07 ⏰

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When The Walls Come Tumblin' Down (9-1-1s/Chicago Fire/Law & Orders)Where stories live. Discover now