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back to college. i remember coming here as a freshman. i knew i wanted to major in psychology, but certainly not as a career.

no. basketball was my passion. it was where i was my best at. on the court, i was someone else. i was somewhere else.

i played for fun in elementary school. but when i found out you could do it professionally, it was like a wake up call. this is what i was supposed to do.

i succeeded from then on out. until the middle of freshman year, when i tore my acl. i don't even know how it happened.

one minute i was fine, then the next my knee is in agony. i couldn't get up. i was benched the entire rest of the season. it was hell.

but now i'm back. i'm here to show everyone i never left. all summer i've been training for this moment.

well not this exact moment because the first game isn't until september, but you know what i mean. i was ready.

i entered the college doors and walked to the office. "paige!" ms. colleen squealed. "ms colleen" i squealed back.

she leaned over the desk to give me a hug, which i gave back. ms. colleen has been here over 40 years yet remembers every face.

we broke our hug and she looked at me sympathetically. "how's your ankle sweetheart?" she asked.

i pouted. "its good. i've been exercising, training, eating healthy, i am good to go."

she smiled. "i knew you could get back on your feet, didn't believe what anybody negative had to say" she said. i smiled.

ms. colleen was the best. i don't know where i would be without her. she visited me every once and while during summer. she was more than a secretary to me.

"okay let me find your room number." she said typing in the computer. "okay you are in.." she squinted.

for her to own 50 pairs of glasses she sure doesn't use them.

"room 6 in hall k." she said. she turned around and handed me a key and papers. "you already know what these are" she said. "yep, trash" i said back. she giggled.

"see you around ms. c" i said. "see ya" she said. i began walking to hall k. i arrived at room 6 and unlocked the door.

one side of the dorm was already decorated and the shower was running. guess she's already here. i pray it's someone i like. i began to unpack my stuff.

i heard the shower turn off and the bathroom door open and i decided not to turn around in case she was naked. "i know that ain't who i think it is!" she yelled.

i furrowed my eyebrows and turned around.

"azzi!" i yelled recognizing the face. she was already dressed so we went in for a hug. "god i can't believe we're roomates" azzi said.

"me neither" i said back. "ok let me let you unpack cause we have a lot to talk about girl." she said. i let out an 'okay' and began to unpack.

me and azzi have been friends since middle school. we've seen the good and bad sides of each other. it was truly a blessing when we ended up on the same team.

naked - a paige bueckers fanficWhere stories live. Discover now