The Escape

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"Demons are dangerous, Rosealine! How many times have I reminded you of this? Yet you continue to walk through the village without care!"
Kirene yells through the house from the kitchen. Rosealine rolls her eyes at her mothers concern.
Entering the main living space of their small house, Rosealine sits on the floor and lays her satchel in her lap.
She could never tell her parents about her weekly trips into the forest, but it's the only thing that brings her joy anymore. She pulls out the small skull of a robin she had found on her exploration. It was obvious that the Robin had died of natural causes because a demon would never leave evidence of a kill.
The shallow footsteps of her mother approaching caused her to shove the skull back in her bag and hide it in the loosened floorboard.
"Your father will be back soon. You should start on your studies, Rosealine." Kirene says, wiping raw weat flour from off her cheek.

Rosealine spent her entire life afraid of her father and soon grew to hate him. Coming home late and intoxicated was expected, and it no longer shocked her. He'd stay out for hours and occasionally not come home at all. Everyone in the village knew why but refused to speak to Kirene about it. Even though she knew, what could she do about it? Their marriage was arranged by their parents for a hefty amount of money and a protection amulet that had been blessed by their priest. It helped mask scent and defend against weaker demons.
Rosealine was a mistake in their life, and her father took every opportunity to remind her of it.

Breaking free of her deep thoughts, Rosealine walked to the kitchen table and collected her books. Daily studies were important to her mother since females were not allowed to go to school. Even though she'd read all of her books many times already, she did it to make her mother happy.
She works so hard for you. This is the least you can do for her
She thought.
The smile on Kirene's face quickly faded when her husband stumbled through the door. His grumbles quickly faded as he sat down on the opposite side of his daughter. He reeked of bourbon and tobacco, but nobody dared mention it. David was a very well-respected man around the village because of his skills. Because he's the only blacksmith in the small village, Rosealine and her family were seen as well off.
"Welcome home sweetheart, how was work?" Kirene says, trying to mask her slight fear.

It was bullshit... nobody should he scared of their own spouse.

" Shut the fuck up you filthy pig!" David says with anger behind his drunken expression.
With a light scare, Kirene places his plate in front of him. She always prided herself on her cooking and enjoyed it a lot. Tonight, David sat with a plate of venison steak, mashed potatoes, and corn in front of him.
Starved from her eariler adventure, Rosealie scarfs her food down with speed.
Dinner was silent. There was nothing anybody could say that wouldn't piss off her father, and Rosealine wouldn't dare mention the newest addition to her collection.
After saying goodnight to her parents, Rosealine goes to her bedroom. Her one story house wasn't the best, but it was home... for now. Stripping herself of her dirty clothes, she examines herself in the mirror above her dresser.
She never found admiration in her body, but she'd never degrade it, as many of her traits come from her mother, like her long blonde hair that she used to cover the sides of her round face. Running her hands along her freckled ribs, stopping at the large scar on her right shoulder.
Tonight was the night...

She knew what she was doing. All she had to do now was put the plan into action.
Rosealine would officially become a demonslayer, and tonight was the night that she would prove it to everyone else that she was worthy.
She slipped into her thick rabbit hide coat and amulet. Night was always colder than day and would also allow an extra layer of protection against any daring demons.
Rosealine, come on... You've been training for this night for your whole life! She thought to herself. The anxiety caused her hands to tremble as she tied back her long hair. Her winter boots shuffle through the house as she makes her way to the door.
David most likely won't care that she's gone and might even be happy about their misfortune. Rosealine's mother will be devastated, though. Not believing the truth that their only child is gone.
Rosealine stands in front of her childhood home, in her childhood village. She'd never truly see them again, and something in her gut churned at the thought... because she wasn't upset. After the years of torture that she experienced throughout her life, she couldn't be happier.

Her village was small but she called it home for twenty-three years. Walking through it now, she felt older... wiser. Only little slivers of light portrayed through the windows onto the stone pathing.
As she entered the forest, it seemed darker than usual.
The path she carved was harder to see, but bringing a lantern was practically a death wish. If a demon knew her location, it was game over.

Am I making a mistake? It's not too take to turn back...

No... you need to prove yourself! And nothing will do that like bringing home the head of a demon. She thought.

As Rosealine strutted further into the forest, the sound of scurring animals faded into compete silence.

Low growling came from a few meters away. Slowly, the pulled the hunting knife fron her satchel, making sure to not make it obvious, as if this creature would care.
As it approached her, she continues to step back, until she hit a tree, stumbling to her knees.
The dog shaped demon pounced onto her chest as she stabbed it in the shoulder, purple blood ozzed onto her coat. In reaction, it scratched her forearm,  the purple and red blood mixing. The demon whimpered and backed up, but not before she stabbed it once more in the eye, causing it to fall to the ground. The demonic creatures breathing came to a slow, before it was nothing at all.

Rosealine cradled her injured arm and sat against the tree. Blood continued to gush from her wound as her eyes became heavy.

I'll rest... but just for a moment, she thinks to herself before falling asleep.

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