4 *oh no...*

14 0 0

Yn: ".........."
Pat: *............*

⚠️Warnings : abuse, cussing, self harming scars...⚠️


I wake up...fuck...I do not feel good.
I twist and turn until I feel myself falling, I land on the floor with a loud thud.
Where am I?
What did I do?
Why do I smell so bad?
Why does it smell like pancakes?
Agh I feel the urge to puke.
Everything is hazed and I feel dizzy.
What happened last night?
Why am I wrapped up like a burrito in a soft and fluffy blanket?
Oh my god, am I home?
Where is Yn, my girlfriend?
That fucking bitch is going to get it.
I hate her so much, but she just stays with me, I have no clue why?
She's just to beautiful to leave, and she has such a good body...
I do punish her quite a lot, especially when she doesn't want me to.
I slowly open my eyes, but they go blurry from the sudden bright light shinning in my eyes, coming from the sun.

Jesus I'm wasted as fuck.
Yn is such a sensitive person, so pathetic when she pleads me not to hurt her, but I need to cause she is so dumb and vulnerable.
I'm the boss  of the house, if she disobeys me she gets punished and not lightly.
I try to stand up, and actually succeed.
My eyes got used to the light and I slumped over to the toilet.
I then lifted it's seat up and let everything out.
And oof it was indeed a lot.
It was this light green color with chunks of food and something.
It smelled awful, worse then me even.
Why do I even do this to myself?
It still smells like pancakes, and I'm quite hungry.
I flush the toilet and it makes a loud noice, my head hurts a lot.
I make my way over to the kitchen and for the first time today, see Yn standing there looking at me.
She looks... disappointed?
How dare she be disappointed, I'm more important than her she is going to learn her lesson today.

My mouth is dry and the sour vomits taste still lingers on my tongue.
I see pancakes laying there on the little coffee table we had standing right Infront of our couch.
*Whore, get me those pancakes!*
My voice was raspy but loud enough to startle her.
The nicknames I gave her, fit her perfectly.
"Good morning to you too, loving boyfriend of mine"
She says sarcastically, another 3 slaps added.
She gets me the pancakes and hands them to me.
I eat one, and damn these taste really good.
*Disgusting, did you mix up the salt and sugar or some?*

I said, I wanted to make her feel so bad that she'd kill herself.
Making her feel bad is my daily task, and of course not to forget beating her up and hurting her.
I looked at her neck and saw bruises, my hand imprint.
I did a great job at choking her yesterday, ah I love hurting her.
Mentally and physically, I don't care if she's in a misserable state that's enough for me.
Ok I have to admit sometimes I do overdo it, but still she deserves it.
She looks at me with fiery eyes, obviously mad at me.
She looks hurt though, that's good I can add another check to my to do list.
It's all her fault, that I feel so bad, that I'm hangover, that I spend all my money on drugs, alochol and sigarettes.
I was definitely stoned yesterday, it still has a little effect on me.
I walk over to her, and she immediately straightens her back.
I walk closer to her until there are just a few inches in-between the two of us.
I can feel her unsteady warm breath fanning against my face.
Her face hardens and I can see her cheekbones popping out.

I give her a fierce slap against her left cheek, and it leaves a reddened handprint after.
Oh that I loved hurting her.
Such a pathetic little bitch.
Just so that she knows who is the real boss of the house...
She just sucks in her cheeks and bites on them, she would definitely sob.
She looks at me with those half-opened, half-closed eyes, a dead look, tired and lost.
But full with anger and disappointment.
I'm so happy that I now have physically hurt her, for the first time of the day.
This is pretty late, usually I do it when we wake up... it's easier and that way I can't forget it.

*Let me see those disgusting scars*
"Why would I you've already seen them thousands of times Pat!"
*Don't you yell at me, and you do as I order!*
I say while tightly gripping her throat and slamming her onto a wall.
Her eyes flutter shut as she comes in contact with the hard wall.
I continue choking her with one arm, but in the mean time roll up her sleeves to look at the scars, which I made her put there.
Make them, leave a note for when I did my job correctly, all because of me and I loved seeing them cause I knew they were my hard work that gave me even better results.
I grinned uncontrollably at the beautiful sight Infront of me.
Her neck was already sensitive from the choking of yesterday, so this should've hurt a shit tone.
Sometimes I'd even burn her, to leave a better result, and thicker, uglier scars.
I stop chocking her, but knee her with full power in the guts.

Making her bend in two, but she vomits a shit tone of blood.
Oh no, no, no this can't be happening I didn't think that would happen.
Maybe I have gone to far.
My eyes widen in fear and shock as the blood doesn't end flowing out of her mouth, onto the tiled floor.
The blood ends on a puddle, on the tiles, it spreads itself in the crevices of the many tiles.
The smell overtook my senses and all I could smell was iron.

The thick heavy, dark red substance was getting closer and closer to me.
Making me step back, step by step my heart started beating faster.
Did I just kill her, I mean I wanted to hurt her not kill her.
This escalated way to quickly, should I call 911 or just leave her here to die and never come back.
Or...help her?
I mean that's the least I could do, right?
I feel bad now...she doesn't deserve me I'm way to bad for her.
I walk back towards her and place my hand on her shoulder.
She stiffens up and straightens up her face now where it should be.
I bring my hand closer to her face, but she slaps me.
Valid I guess.
"Don't you fucking come for me with all the "sorry's" and "I didn't mean to's". Get the fuck away from me and don't touch me you fucked it up now."

She says while bending back over again, the blood still leaks from her mouth leaving drops of endless blood on our white tiled floor.
Oh shit, I did really fuck it up right now I've gone way, way to far.
Am I sorry though?
What happened when my knee made contact with her core?
Did this really just happen?
Did I just kill my girlfriend?
No, she's still standing right Infront of me.

Is this an awful nightmare, no it isn't cause I felt that slap.
I felt it burning, the tingling sensation slowly fading away.
So that's how it feels like, it actually hurts.
I didn't expect it to be that bad.
*I-uh I-uh I just m...I don't, just...nevermind.*
I say my voice unsteady and cracking.
I just shake my head side to side before just leaving the house.
Leaving her all alone, to die?
I mean I hope she doesn't really die cause that would've been murder, but...oh god what have I gotten myself into?

★!¡ A:N : damn motherfucking Pat.
I swear if he'd really excist I'd kick his ass and kill him.
Y'all I swear I'm mentally stable, 😭.
I'm just doing this to have a better plot.
His toxic ass can fuck of and kill himself frfr.
I don't like Pat, but he plays a pretty important role in the beginning of my story, yay 😢.
You'll get out of it.
Sorry if the trigger warnings weren't enough.
I love writing traumatic stuff and abuse (fighting scenes), don't know why, you just really live in the moment when you read and write it.
I haven't been abused or anything, I do also read quite allot of stuff like this that's maybe why.
I told y'all at the very beginning, first part of the story that this was going to be gruesome...and well it kinda is already.
It gets much worse though 🙂.
It isn't over with Pat, yet 😉.
Thanks for reading this story and supporting me 🙏🏽 🛐 🙂 🕵🏽‍♀️ .
I made this one a little longer, and first time Pat POV!
Word count: 1560.
Ok bye lovey's 😔.
Love y'all so so much 💗.

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