"Oh?, What's this! It seems that the snitch went inside Miss Potter's hair!," the announcer shouted.

Everyone looked up and saw that Krum is trying not to touch her hair.

"It seems that Krum is doing a staring contest of Miss Potter's hair and trying not to touch her without consent. What a gentleman!," the announcer said.

Hesperia takes the snitch out of her hair and throws it down with a blush avoiding the gaze of Krum's eyes at her hair. Krum immediately went down to get it. The Irish seeker Lynch also went down.

"It seems both our seekers took a dive when Miss Potter threw the snitch down," the announcer said, as many could hear the enjoyment in his voice.

The Krum caught it and many roared in cheer and screams chanting, 'Krum' 'Krum' 'Krum'. Hesperia smiles when she looks to a roaring Dudley cheering.

"Well now we know we have a Quidditch player with us now," Fred and George shouted with a laugh.

Hermione groans, "No" she playfully whined.

"YES!," Ron and Ginny shouted in excitement.

Arthur and Hesperia looked at each other and laughed.

The game was over and many people were leaving, but the problem was.....it is so crowded that if the family were in it they would be separate from each other. The family then made sure to stick together as the boys are around the girls having them be inside of the group.

They then made it out of the crowd to go down to the tent to celebrate. Hesperia and her sisters were either sitting down or standing unable to go to sleep as the three excitedly re-lived the game. The twins were chanting 'yoddy' 'Krum' 'Krum'.

"There's no one like Krum," Ron said with a dreamy look. Dudley looked at Hesperia with a smile and Hesperia smiled back. The two stood up next to the pillar to watch the scene unfold.

"Krum?," Fred said.
"Dumb Krum?," George asked.

Ron ignored that comment. "He's like a bird the way he rides the wind," Ron said looking in the distance. Hesperia giggles while Dudley puts his head laughing at how Ron was being a fan-girl.

"Krum!," the twin said as they mock flapping their arms.
"Dumb Krum," they mocked.

"He's more than an athlete," Ron said, ignoring the comment again as he took the banner of the Irish colors that Fred put on his head. Hesperia snickered and Dudley is laughing on the floor now.

"He's an artist," Ron said dreamily.

Ginny past by to say, "Think you're in love Ron," with a teasing smile.

"Shut up Gin," Ron said, pouting.

"Viktor I love you!," Fred sings as he takes Ron's arm to bring him down from the couch.
"Viktor, I do!," George sings.
"When we're apart my heart beats only for you," the two sing finishing the song.

A big sound of explosion was made and the siblings all looked to the entrance as their Father burst in with a worried and protective look on his face. "We've got to get out of here. Now!," he told them.

Arthur made sure he hands Ginny to Hesperia to pack and the three sisters shrink their belongings and into their pockets. The boys did the same. The family all went out to see another big explosion had been made and everyone was screaming and running past them.

"Get out, It's the death eaters!," a man shouted.

Hesperia is looking around to find Dudley next to her. Dudley saw the fear, worry, and protectiveness in her eyes. "We're going to be okay," Dudley whispered.

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