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Hesperia is furious at how Dumbledor is using her and her family for his own gain of money, glory, and more fame in the magical world.

Not only that he dared to meddle into her cousin Dudley Dursley who is now her brother after realizing his mistakes and apologize for what he and his parents did to her when he saw his own father beat his cousin almost to death.

Dudley hates his parents when they hurt Hesperia more than ever. It was also because of how he protected Hesperia and he too was hurt by his own flesh and blood. Dudley then knew of the pain his cousin went through and he accepted it.

He didn't care he was being punished for kissing a boy his age. After all, love is love there is no discrimination to it. Heck, love doesn't have a gender, it is a feeling, and connection between two people or between friends and families.

Dudley also found out he and Hesperia that there were blocks, potions, and other spells on them. The two went to Gringott Banks for help and they removed everything that Dumbledor placed on them.

So from then on Both Hesperia and Dudley helped each other out. Dudley lost weight while Hesperia was able to have meat in her body to not look so thin like a fragile stick that could easily be broken in half.

Hesperia and Dudley made sure they train themselves through boxing, the gym, and martial arts whenever Petunia and Vernon leave the house with the two alone.

Hesperia researches a spell from her mother's trunk of a spell for her and Dudley to be able to not be detected by the Ministry for Magic's magic tracker.

Both Hesperia and Dudley have been practicing their magic core through meditation of growing it and their spells being more effective with strong grip, concentration, and more powerful.

Hesperia and Dudley were also able to claim their Ladyship, Heiress ship, Lordship, and Heirship since the two are the last of their family bloodline.

Hesperia knew that her family would need to go to Gringott Banks and when they did, the Weasley family were furious at what Dumbledor had done and they could only use the time they had to change things.

The Weasley family accepted Dudley as their own when they found out he was forgiven and was being abused for kissing a boy. The family stood together with Hesperia and Dudley and helped the two heal even though they healed together, but not with a full family's love, care, and support.

(Here is Dudley and Hesperia)



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