Chapter 2

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It's been three days since Mark last saw Vee. He had been trying to contact him since the day of the match, but he was unable to reach him. He tried to visit his dorm multiple times and in his desperation, even tried to go to his family's house, but both places ended up being empty. It's as if Vee just vanished. Mark had asked his seniors about their friend's whereabouts, but they're just as clueless. They had not seen nor heard about Vee, since that day of the match. He hadn't been attending his classes either.


"So what do you say, N'Mark? I won. Vee should keep his promise to stay away from you."

"It's you who has to keep your promise and mind your own business, Phee."

"Aw, but we had a deal. Whoever loses will no longer get involved with you, Nong."

"No, Phee. The promise was that whoever gets knocked down first will have to leave me alone..."

"...but at the very last moment, it was P'Vee who was the last man standing on the stage, Phee."

A/N: Vee may have lost the battle, but he won the WAR. See what I did there :> *wink wink*


After clearing things up with Krating, Mark had returned to the gym fully intending to make up with his P'Vee. Although he was not yet ready to fully enter a relationship with him again, he had long forgiven his senior.  Yes he lost his match, but he had seen Vee's sincerity, he knew how hard he really fought for him, and it hurt so much to see his phee being beaten up like that. It's almost as if he was the one being hit and punched instead. Now, he wanted nothing more than to see his P'Vee and know how he's doing. He was starting to feel uneasy with the lack of updates, knowing that he's probably also badly hurt because of the match isn't helping either. 

Mark, his friends, and their seniors, were all gathered at the cafeteria having their lunch. Not that Mark was doing much eating anyway. He didn't have much of an appetite, his anxiety getting the best of him.

"Ay nong, don't worry too much. I'm pretty sure he's just taking a break and resting," Nuea said, in an effort to console the kid.

"Yes, he trained really hard for the match too. He must've just been very exhausted," Yihwa added.

"But I went to his dorm and his house, Phee. He wasn't there. Their house was even empty when I got there." Mark expressed the worry in his heart.

"Maybe he just needs some time alone, nong. He was really hurt after losing his match against Krating. He really wanted to win that match for you..."

"Maybe they all just went on a vacation or they're all probably just busy with some things."

Bar had tried to convince Mark, but deep down they all knew they were also just trying to convince themselves. They all are worried about their friend. He's not the type to just disappear like that, especially when it comes to N'Mark.

A call on Yihwa's phone interrupts them from their thoughts.

"Hello, P'Yoo. What's wrong?"

At the mention of Vee's brother, all eyes were on Yihwa. Maybe they can finally have some news on their missing friend.

"HUH?!?! Okay phee, we'll be there right away."

Yihwa stared at Mark with a complicated look on her face as he ended the call.

"What's wrong phee? Did P'Yoo say anything about P'Vee?"

"It's bad nong. Vee's in the hospital... he said he just had an operation."

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