Chapter 1

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AN: Hi~ As I have mentioned prior, the story takes place during the episode 9 of Love Mechanics. I have written part of what happened in the series for context just in case some might get confused. But for better understanding, it would be really helpful if you have watched the show prior to reading this.

Feel free to share your thoughts and comments. Thank youu~



"The one who gets knocked out, will have to leave Mark alone."

"Right now you're in a period of of proving yourself."


Vee stood on the opposite side of the ring, determined to beat Krating. Admittedly, after having to spend the rest of the night in the toilet due to diarrhea, he's not feeling too well and prepared for the match. But he really couldn't refuse his Nong Mark as he diligently fed him piece by piece of the Moo Kata yesterday. Nonetheless, despite the creeping headache and feeling like he'll double over any minute now, he'll be damned if he doesn't try his best to win. This match is not only to finally get rid of the senior who keeps pestering and flirting with his nong, but more so to finally prove himself to Mark. To redeem himself for all the hurtful things he has caused him and to show the cute junior that he's worthy to get another chance for them to be together.

The bell signals the start of the match.

Attacking aggressively, Vee jabs at Krating left and right eager to get some points off his opponent. However, being the more exprienced boxer, Krating reciprocates just as aggresively, hitting Vee left and right as he tries his best to defend himself from his opponents unceasing attack.

Almost losing his balance, Vee is saved by the bell signaling the end of the round. 

"Darn it Vee, I think you should throw in a towel." Concerned for his best friend, Nuea convinces  the latter to withdraw the match.

"That's right Vee," James adds agreeing with his friend. "I think that's enough. If this goes on you might actually die."

Vee looks around searching for Mark. If only to get a little more encouragement and strength to continue on with the match.


Vee smiles as he spots the said junior out of breath running towards the ring.

"I'm sorry I'm late! I heard you have diarrhea."

Not wanting his junior to worry, Vee smugly lies.

"That's just a rumor. I'm totally fine."

With renewed vigor brought by seeing Mark on his side, he smiled reassuringly to his nong one last time, before confidently standing up and walking to the center of the ring to continue the match. 

Round two.

As if the previous round hadn't happened, Vee once again begins to attack Krating aggressively, now even more energized. Vee wanted nothing more than to land a hit on the annoying senior. But his recklessness had made him careless, which the skilled boxer quickly took advantage of. 

Seeing an opening, Krating leaves a punch at Vee's abdomen, before landing a solid right hook on his opponents jaw, sending him on the floor.




Vee looks up disoriented. Closing his eyes, he shakes his head to try and get rid of the incessant ringing in his ears.

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