05. | A Real Hero

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All Might: [Thoughts] "I'm at my limit! I can't do this much longer. Even if I do... I might not be able to use One For All again, and if he is still alive, I'm going to need it..."

(Y/N): [Thoughts] "Man... this is definitely more damage than I thought I would take. But I'll say... he's gotten so much faster from before. I wonder if that smoke that's coming from him is playing any sort of factor."

All Might: "Hey villain, usually when I fight people they don't smile, so why are you smiling right now!"

(Y/N): "Because why the hell wouldn't I! I get to fight the number one hero! I fought my dad and won, I didn't even know I could do that! And now I'm fighting the number one hero, and you're on the verge just like me! I'm so happy!"

All Might: [Thoughts] "Weird... I'm not sensing any malicious intent from him... I don't know much about Endeavors parenting but from the look I had at the sports festival it isn't the greatest thing. This might have something to do with it, but who am I to judge... if he wants a fight... ILL JUST GIVE HIM ONE TO REMEMBER!"

The two stepped towards each other with large smiles on their faces as they dashed at each other and slammed their fists into each other, causing a shockwave to ripple through the area. Cars were flipped, building shook, and people were thrown back as the two monsters clashed fists with each other. People watched as they all hoped for All Might's victory, but they couldn't shake the feeling of excitement from the fight that was happening in front of them.

TV Reporter: "This is insane! These two men have managed to do so much damage with their blows it's insane how neither one has fallen just yet!"

(Y/N) ducked under a punch and landed an uppercut on All Might and then landed multiple chest and stomach shot that pushed All Might back. All Might looked up to see (Y/N) grabbing his arms and bringing them down before a knee slammed into his face causing blood to fly everywhere from his nose and mouth as (Y/N) wrapped his legs around All Mights neck in an attempt to choke him out.

All Might: "How... are you this strong... if you don't have a quirk like you said... that means that your body is different than most!"

(Y/N): "Maybe you are smarter than you look."

All Might smiled through his pain and jumped back onto his back, slamming (Y/N) into the ground and forcing (Y/N) to release his hold. (Y/N) quickly popped up but was met by a backhand from All Might that sent blood flying from (Y/N)'s mouth. (Y/N) wiped his mouth and laughed as he lowered down into a low stance as AllMight readied himself. All Might was the first to move, throwing a hard right at (Y/N)'s head, but (Y/N) rolled to the side and knocked All Might's arm across his body before throwing his left hand which had been gaining power into All Might's liver.

All Might was forced to Grit his teeth as (Y/N) jumped up and threw a flying kick that hit All Might in the face sending him back a bit before he turned back to (Y/N) who was already in front of him with his fist planted in his stomach. All Might was sent flying through more walls as he stopped himself. All Might eventually stopped before throwing a punch that hit (Y/N) and planted (Y/N) into the ground again as (Y/N) wrapped himself around All Might's arm. He smiled at All Might who raised his arm and slammed it on the ground, slamming (Y/N) down too. However, (Y/N)'s grip on All Might's arm didn't change any bit.

All Might: [Thoughts] "This is new... why isn't he letting go? Last time when he had me in a choke he let go so easily, so why this time..."

All Might raised his arm to slam (Y/N) again but before (Y/N) hit the ground, (Y/N) swung himself around All Might's arm, getting on top of it and kicked All Might in the nose as hard as he could. All Might jumped back a bit when (Y/N) kicked All Might in the stomach and then throwing a straight legged kick to his jaw sending him into the air a bit. (Y/N) then jumped in the air and slammed his leg into All Might's stomach sending him flying through multiple walls.

All Might slammed against the final wall and (Y/N) slammed his shoulder into All Might, breaking the wall and causing All Might to fall back. All Might then jumped up, as smoke began to cloud the area.

All Might: [Thoughts] "I'll never win if I keep dragging this out... I NEED TO END THIS HERE AND NOW!"

All Might flashed in front of (Y/N) whose eyes went wide as All Might raised his fist with a determined look on his face.


All Might's fist collided with (Y/N), slamming him deep into the ground as dirt, concrete, and rock all flew high into the sky. A tornado formed above the hit causing the winds to fly around them. The winds and debris settled as All Might stood up from the crater he created and looked down to see (Y/N) with his shirt destroyed, and blood dripping from his mouth and his chest. All Might smiled as he turned to face the TV cameras when he felt a pair of legs and arms wrap around his neck.

(Y/N): "How many times do you need to be reminded to not turn your back on me!"

(Y/N) pulled All Might back and onto his back as All Might lost his smile, his face contorting into one of distress as he fought at (Y/N) for control. He punched (Y/N) multiple times, but (Y/N) just wouldn't let up. The two continued to wrestle and as the TV crews got closer, a yell rang out from the crater.


More debris came flying from the crater as the crews were all happy now, expecting to see All Might emerge victorious over the villain with his signature smile.... But it never came. A small hand grabbed the edge of the crater and pulled himself up, as the news casters all gasped, and people all around the world knew.






All Might had lost.


[Hey guys, sorry for the late upload, I have a busy schedule right now, but I will try my best to get these out to you as fast as I can. I hope you enjoyed this part because I did, and have a great day.]

Nothing (Male Reader x My hero academia) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant