04. | The Symbol of Peace

Start from the beginning

(Y/N): "Haha, well that's what I'm here to find out."

(Y/N) dashed at All Might who was surprised by his speed and barely dodged his punch. All Might raised his fist for a punch of his own but (Y/N) slid to the side of the punch, and landed punches on All Might's liver and stomach, pushing him away. All Might looked at (Y/N), and smiled before dashing back at (Y/N) who dodged the punch and kicked All Might in the chin, sending All Might back. (Y/N) then chuckled before he dashed and began to drive All Might backwards before slamming him into a wall. All Might grit his teeth before kneeing (Y/N) in the side and punched (Y/N) away. (Y/N) spit out blood and wiped his mouth before smiling.

All Might: [Thoughts] "Damn... he's stronger than I thought... his liver punch almost reopened my injury from All For One, but that's not even the most troubling part... [Turns and looks up to a roof] Aizawa has had his quirk active since I hit him the first time. How the hell is he still so strong!"

(Y/N): "Well I'll give you some credit All Might. You definitely live up to the legend. I mean I have barely been hit before you showed up. Had I gone all out on those weak hero's they would have ended up dead for sure!"

(Y/N) lowered himself down to a low position and dashed at All Might when the sound of a gun shot being fired rung through the air. (Y/N) raised his hand and caught a purple and pink bullet aimed at his head, before turning to a roof to see a woman standing there with her arm in the shape of a sniper. (Y/N) sighed when he was met with a punch from All Might in the stomach. (Y/N) was sent backwards and another bullet was fired that he caught with his other hand when All Might appeared in front of him and through a punch that (Y/N) dodged by jumping backwards.

All Might: [Thoughts] "I got lucky. If that sniper hadn't shot at him he probably would have been able to grapple onto me. That sniper seems to only be after him which is a good thing. It means he has to focus on multiple things at once. Plus he can't do much to me aside from punches, meaning if that sniper can give me some distance I can land some solid strikes."

(Y/N): [Sigh] "What a pain..."

(Y/N) raised his arm to his shoulder when the slug appeared again. A bullet was fired at the slug but (Y/N) caught the bullet without even looking. He then pulled the short spear out of the slugs mouth, and it was attacked to a chain that seemed to continue to grow and grow as he pulled more and more out of the slugs mouth.

(Y/N): "So we want to cheat? Then let's cheat."

(Y/N) began to spin the chain, letting the spear hit the ground when a force began to pull him back. He turned around and saw the hero 13 using her black hole quirk on him. (Y/N) chuckled as he spun his chain through the air before throwing it at the hero, causing the spear to pierce through her hand, and her falling to the ground in pain. All Might dashed at (Y/N) but the spear was dragged along his chest as (Y/N) bolted pat him. All Might examined his chest to see the cut and blood formed from the spear and his smile softened to a frown.

All Might: [Thoughts] "What king of monster is he! He managed to break through the black hole quirk just like that... how is that even possible?!"

All Might turned around, and his eyes widened as (Y/N) was running towards the building that housed the sniper. (Y/N) dashed up the building before appearing in front of the sniper who jumped back and fired a shot at his head. (Y/N) caught the bullet and began to spin his chain as he approached.

(Y/N): "Lady Nagant, the Hero Association's lap dog, now why are you here if I may ask? Freedom from prison I'm assuming. It doesn't matter, I'll just stop you here."

Nagant tried to shoot again but (Y/N) through his chain, wrapping it around her leg and he pulled her to the ground, causing her to fire straight into the air. (Y/N) then walked over to her and squatted down to her and chuckled.

(Y/N): "You know, now that I look at you, you might look better with this short hair than the long hair."

The purple haired assasin blushed slightly as she tried to wriggle out of the chains.

(Y/N): "I'm to close for you to even have your barrel at me so this is your only choice isn't it. What a shame. How the mighty have fallen right."

As (Y/N) said this he was met with a punch in the side of the face from All Might who was scowling before he dashed back at (Y/N) and through another punch that sent (Y/N) spiraling down to the ground. All Might landed and tried to punch him again but (Y/N) wrapped himself around All Might's arm and flipped him to the ground and landed multiple punches before All Might knocked him off. The two stood across from each other, with blood and sweat running from their bodies as cameras captured the whole exchange.

TV Reporter: "This is impossible! A villain that is managing to stand up to All Might! The Symbol of Peace appears to be struggling in the battle and- Oh there going back in!"

The two dashed at each other and through punches that landed at the same time, sending both of them backward. The two then came back again and again with punches flying, causing blood to fly from both of them as they pummeled each other.

In another location, at UA high school, Class 1-A watched this battle first hand, with all the students on the edge of their seats.

Bakugo: "Come on All Might! Why the hell isn't that guy dead yet!"

Deku: All Might... pull through

All Might and (Y/N) continued throwing punches when All Might attempted to put more force in his punch. (Y/N) saw this and dodged the punch, causing All Might to go off balance before he took out the spear that was tucked into his pants and he slashed All Might across the side, causing blood to spray from the wound. All Might fell to his knee with his teeth grit as everyone watching the TV was shocked and scared at what they were seeing.

(Y/N): "Hahaha! I bet your surprised All Might! Eraserhead has been trying to erase my quirk the entire turn right? Yet, it's still now working? Well the answer is quite simple actually. This whole battle... You've been losing to a Quirkless reject of society!"

The world seemed to freeze as (Y/N) dashed back at All Might and punched him into the ground. (Y/N) cracked his neck as he wrapped the chain around his forearm.

(Y/N): "Come on! I want a challenge here! Not even the Symbol of Peace was enough for me!"

Nobody could move. Not the Hero's from before, as they were all stunned that the man was Quirkless. Endeavor remained looking at the ground with a softly closed fist as he knew this was the case already. He only ever had one Quirkless son after all. Suddenly the a noise was heard from All Might's crater as (Y/N) slowly turned as All Might groaned and stood up tall into the air. Steam began to flow from All Might as (Y/N) couldn't even see All Might dash at him before punching him hard in the stomach sending him away. All Might stood with blood falling from his head and his wound as he raised his fist at (Y/N) who shook his head and smiled widely at All Might.

All Might: "No matter how many times I fall... I will not give in to evil!"

(Y/N): "You really are incredible All Might! Now show me what you can really do!"


[Well there's Chapter 4 done! Thanks for showing back up to read it, and I'm still taking suggestions if you have any. The next chapter will be out soon, and the finale of (Y/N) versus the Hero's commences!] 

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