Chapter 5 - Red Sports Car

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I stir as my mother gently creaks open my bedroom door, a glass of water in her hand. She settles on the edge of my bed, her touch warm and comforting as she places her hand on my back.

"Robyn, wake up, it's three in the afternoon," she whispers softly.

Blinking away the remnants of sleep, I turn to her and accept the glass of water gratefully.

"Thanks," I murmur, taking a sip and feeling the cool liquid soothe the dryness in my throat.

"Have a shower," she suggests, rising from the bed. "Are you joining us for dinner tonight, or are you meeting up with your friends?"

"I think I'll see my friends," I reply, nodding in agreement. "It's probably best to keep myself distracted."

"Your friends will be good company while you work through everything," she says, offering me a reassuring smile before leaving the room.

Alone once more, I ponder her words as I sip the water, feeling a sense of gratitude for the support of loved ones during this difficult time. With a sigh, I push back the covers and make my way to the bathroom, the warm embrace of a shower offering a welcome respite.

Back in the quiet sanctuary of my room, I decided it was time to face the inevitable and check my phone. Ignoring the persistent buzz of notifications, I braced myself for the barrage of messages from Darren. Sure enough, there they were, a string of missed calls and texts that I could not bring myself to open just yet. The remnants of the hangover still lingered, clouding my thoughts and leaving me in no fit state to confront his messages.

Instead, I turned my attention to the group chat, where the girls were sharing updates from the previous night's events. It seemed that Danielle and Lewis had actually slept together. But what caught my attention even more was Lewis's unexpected proposal of a date, a prospect that clearly unsettled Danielle.

I could not help but chuckle at the comparison between Danielle and Samantha from Sex and the City, both fiercely independent and wary of commitment. It seemed that Lewis's proposition had triggered Danielle's deep-seated fears, her "daddy issues" as she often referred to them. Before I could reply, Shauna was calling, I swiped to answer.

"Hey, how's the head?" Shauna's voice was surprisingly cheery, considering the antics of last night.

"It's okay," I replied, exhaling deeply.

"So, can I pick you up in an hour?" Shauna asked, hope evident in her tone.

"Fine," I agreed, knowing that spending time with friends would be the best distraction for me right now.

"Amazing!" Shauna squealed. "It's just going to be us, Lewis, Isaac, and Conrad."

After a brief discussion, Shauna confirmed that she would pick me up once I was ready, and Isaac would then pick us up from her place. After the phone call ended, I made my move and began getting ready.

Once I had finished getting ready, I opted for a pair of shorts, a white crop top, a green bomber jacket, and some white vans. As Shauna pulled up outside, I said goodbye to my parents and got into Shauna's car. She filled me in on her lack of sleep due to some bedroom activities with Isaac the night before.

I then asked about Danielle, and Shauna informed me that she was in full-on damage control mode, avoiding Lewis until he got the hint. It seemed like everyone was navigating their own romantic entanglements in their own unique ways.

As we settle into Isaac's car, Shauna and him share a passionate kiss, leaving me feeling a bit awkward. I quickly avert my gaze, opting to admire the rolling mountains in the distance instead. The landscape provides a welcome distraction as we make our way to the pub.

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