Fugasaku starts to continue to beat down on Naruto as Gamakichi and Jiraiya sit and watch

Naruto: I never thought it would be this hard...

Jiraiya: You have to keep persevering Naruto! You can't give up! That's what it's like to be a sage

Naruto: Alright!!


Some time passes as Naruto is finally able to sense nature energy

Naruto: I see it!!! I can see it!! I can finally see it!!

Jiraiya starts to smile as Fugasaku smiles also

Fugasaku: Naruto-boy it's time for us to take a little break!

Naruto: Aw..really!?

They eat more food that Shima had made as Naruto ate them

Fugasaku: Now I would like you to try and lift these rocks

Naruto uses his chakra to try and lift it but can't do it at all

Naruto: I can't do it!!

Fugasaku: Now try and add some sage jutsu into it

Naruto: Okay!

Naruto puts his hand in the toad oil as he starts to blend Naruto energy and takes it in.

Fugasaku: Good! Now try and lift the stone frog!

Naruto tries to lift the stone as he is able to lift it up a bit

Jiraiya: That's it Naruto!!

Naruto lifts it all the way up

Naruto: I did it!!!

Jiraiya: He is progressing way quicker then I did...

Jiraiya looks at Naruto

Fugasaku: Now I want you to master it without the oil.

Naruto: Okay!

Jiraiya: Oi Naruto! I would think it's time to give you this...

Jiraiya gives Naruto a book.

Naruto: What is it?

Jiraiya: It's my first ever novel!

Naruto grabs it and starts to read the contents in it

Jiraiya: I see a bit of Y/n in that first novel I ever made...a strong and cocky ninja who sees themselves as powerful...but he cares a lot about people and the world

Naruto cries as he reads the book

Naruto: I'll keep going for you Y/n!

Naruto continues his training as he finds it harder without the oil to gather nature energy

Fugasaku: You keep on becoming a frog Naruto, you are lacking concentration!

Fugasaku: You might ad well follow me!

Fugasaku brings Naruto to a place to practice zen meditation

Jiraiya: I remember this place...Naruto you should concentrate well or else you risk dying

Naruto goes with Fugasaku up to the top of the the thing as he start to try and bring balance while bringing in nature energy

Fugasaku: It's quite hard for you to do this kind of thing Naruto-boy

Jiraiya: I had to come up here often too..it took me a while but I got there

Jiraiya smiles as he looks at Naruto

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