Chapter 2: Vivianna

Start from the beginning

"Here let me help you" He says, and grabs my arms. He seems old by his voice, maybe in his fifties. And he his tall with a big stomach. He tries to tie me loose.

"Could you go for my blindfold first? I would like to be able to see" I ask nicely, as if that isn't obvious. He just laughs at me.

"Of course can I do that Vivianna"

"My whole body freeze. How does he know my name?  Then I hear footsteps behind me and I can hear that the person is walking on gravel.

"Thanks for watching her while I unloaded this in the house" He says. My kidnapper.

"No worries, Silver" The driver answers.

Silver? Then I hear the truck close and he just drives away. So they did know each other, he lied to me. He is playing with me just like in my apartment, and he likes it. He thinks this is just a sick game. My whole face dropped. I thought I had him, maybe he is smarter then I thought. Then he grabs me again and I can tell that he is mad by how hard his grip on me is.

"What did I tell you about running from me?"

I say nothing. I am speechless and I think I'm getting used to the fact that I am actually kidnapped. He takes me and we walk up on a hill, I can feel the scent of forest. Maybe we are deep in the forest. But we can't be that deep in if you are able to come in with a big ass truck. The air embraced my body and sends a shiver down my spine, but I'm not sure if it's the cold or the fear. That is weird, it is summer in New York. Maybe we're not even in the states anymore. As that thought hits me I just start to give up trying to figure everything out.

"So your name is Silver?" I ask eventually, breaking the silence.

"Don't get too cocky Vivi, it's my cover name" He clarified. Don't call me that. He says my name like he knows me. Maybe he does? Or maybe he has just been watching me for so long that it feels like he knows me, since he knows everything about me. Finally we reach the doorstep. He takes me in the house and I feel the warmth embracing me. He takes me up on some wooden stairs. I try to make sense of the construction of the house but he is too fast. Eventually we reach a room and he release me while closing the door. And locks it. My heartbeat starts to move faster.

"Don't even think about taking that blindfold of." He takes my hands slowly and starts to untie me. All of a sudden he is being gentle with me. I tilt my head up at him, even though I can't see him I try to imagine what he looks like. When I'm free I feel my wrists, they feel lighter after the weight of the rope is gone. I stand put to wait around for whats next, my whole body freeze.

"Relax" He began. "I will never do anything to hurt you."

"You are hurting me!" I exploded.

"Well, anything to hurt you like that" He reassured. I immediately understands what he means and sighs annoyingly. 

"Unless you ask for it, of course" He taunted. Then he lay me down on a bed. It seems like an old bed and I can smell dust coming out of it.

"You didn't clean the place before you brought me here?" I say jokingly. But he stays quiet. The silence brings me discomfort. I guess times up for jokes now. Or maybe it was a sensitive topic for him. He continues to take off the shoes he has given me and begins to take off the sweater too.

"No please, I'm cold" I beg, while keeping my arms down so he can't take it off. He yields and let me have it on. Then he stands up an begins walking to the door, I think.

"Wait" I begin and he stops. And I can feel him turning his head slightly. "I'm thirsty" I whispered. He sighs and then walks towards me and to my surprise he comes very close to my face and grabs my jaw.

"One thing about me Vivi, I am not to be played with. You try shit and I will punish you, and not the kind you would like" He threaten. "Don't make me hurt you. We can go through this calmly, but I need to trust you, can I do that?" He needs to trust me? I am not the on that kidnapped him. But I swallow my pride and nod.

"I need to hear you say it." He commands.

"You can trust me." He moves towards the door again and walks faster this time.

"Don't try to move your blindfold while I get you water either, I have cameras everywhere."

While he is gone I try to breathe steadily in order for me to hear anything else instead of my own loud heartbeat. I try to calculate how long it takes for him to move from this room to the kitchen. Or probably the kitchen, maybe he gets my water from the toilet. I get disgusted by the thought. I stretch my legs and arms out and try to relax. And then I lay down with my blindfold on. It is uncomfortable to be blind for this long. I'm so dependent on my vision, that is what I use to analyze body language and character traits. When he takes my blindfold off I will analyze everything. No worries, I can do this. All I have to do is wait until he comes back. I know there is a window in this room because I can feel that cold air and the scent of forest. That means the window is able to be open, I can use that. Then after he lets me sleep I can search trough the room. But I have to play it off since he has cameras in here. And when he takes me to the bathroom I can analyze the rest of this house. Unless the bathroom is in this room. Either way, I will be on my guard as soon as the blindfold is off. I can do this. I know I can. This is what I basically has worked for and what my father has trained me to do. Catching criminals.

"Here is your water." He comes with a big glass of cold water and hands it to me. I don't bother to say thank you since he don't deserve my kindness. But he doesn't even seem bothered by that. I take a sip and I can tell he is still standing there, watching me. Is he waiting for me to finish?

"I'm not going to drink it all at once, if that's what you think" I say, but he just stays quiet. Maybe he's not even here and I'm just imagining it. I am starting to go crazy. The taste of the water is different. Fresh. Like its directly from a refreshing stream. Maybe we are in the northern part? Canada? I have heard the water is better there and this water is heavenly good. The Scandinavians also have good water. Okay no, no Vivianna you are over analyzing it. We have not flown across the world, I could not have been asleep for that long. As I try to make sense of everything I can feel him sitting down, weighing down the bed. He takes my foot gently and careful, and starts kneading it.

"What are you doing?" I ask surprisingly, even though it feels so good.

"I figured you might be tired in your feet" He answers.

"Stop." I demand.

"I know you like it."

"Really? How do you know that" I taunt. It's quiet for a while but then he speaks eventually.

"For the first time, your body relaxed a little." He says. And I didn't even realize that. He was right.

"I'm sorry getting kidnapped can make you a little intense" I say sarcastically. But then I tilt my head back and just accept it. I'm tired of fighting with him, for now. After a while he rises, and moves towards me while grabbing both my arms. Before I have time to question him I realize he is tying me to the bed. Of course.

"How am I supposed to sleep like this?"

"Sleep on your side." He suggests.

"But I don't like to sleep like that." I whine.

"Too bad."

"Can I at least know the time?" I try. He hesitates, but eventually he speaks.

"It's 01:07." He says sharply. "Go to sleep, we have things to do tomorrow." And then he walks towards the door.

"Wait, are you not going to remove my blindfold?" I ask.


"I'm just supposed to be blind the whole time?" I say jokingly.

"Yes. The whole time." He warned me. That makes my whole face drop. Then he closes the door. And locks it.

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