Acting "Normal" + new songs

Start from the beginning

"Wow, Aurora, this place is incredible!" exclaimed Danielle, her eyes wide with amazement.

"It's like something out of a movie," Lotte added, her voice filled with admiration.

Aurora smiled modestly, leading them through the front entrance and into the spacious foyer. The interior was just as impressive as the exterior, with high ceilings, marble floors, and elegant decor adorning every corner.

"It's even more beautiful inside," marveled Jordan, taking in the grandeur of the foyer.

Aurora chuckled softly, gesturing for them to follow her further into the house. As they explored each room, from the lavish living area to the gourmet kitchen, the girls couldn't help but feel privileged to be in such a magnificent space.

"This is unreal," Beth whispered, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

Aurora grinned mischievously at her friends and said, "Well, if you're all eager for a live performance, I suggest you follow me to the studio." With a playful twinkle in her eyes, she led the group through a set of double doors, revealing a state-of-the-art recording studio.

The girls exchanged excited glances, barely able to contain their enthusiasm as they followed Aurora into the studio. As they stepped inside, the sight of the professional equipment and soundproof walls filled them with a sense of anticipation.

"Are you serious? You have a recording studio in your house?" exclaimed Lotte, her voice tinged with awe.

Aurora chuckled, nodding proudly. "Yep, this is where the magic happens. Feel free to take a look around."

The girls dispersed throughout the studio, marveling at the array of instruments and recording gear. Beth couldn't resist sitting down at the grand piano, her fingers dancing over the keys as she played a few chords.

"This is amazing, Aurora!" exclaimed Danielle, admiring the soundboard and microphone setup.

Jordan's curiosity sparked as she asked, "Are we going to hear some unreleased music, or is it all released stuff?"

Aurora's eyes flickered with emotion as she glanced at Leah, who has been silent since entering the house. The weight of their shared glance hung heavy in the air, a mixture of hurt and longing lingering between them. Yet, Aurora composed herself, her voice steady as she addressed the group.

"It's up to you all," she began, her tone soft yet determined. "But I did finish a few songs last night that I'm considering recording. If you'd like, I could share them with you."

Beth's enthusiasm broke through the moment, her plea echoing the collective sentiment. "Please do record them," she urged, her excitement palpable.

With a nod from Aurora, the group settled on the seats, beanbags and couches spread around the room eager to experience the magic of her new creations.

As the familiar melodies of her X's album filled the studio, the room was bathed in a bittersweet nostalgia.

"These songs," Aurora began, her voice carrying the weight of memories intertwined with music, "they're from my X's album. It's officially releasing tonight, so I suppose they're not technically unreleased anymore."

Leah watched Aurora sing, her heart heavy with a mixture of emotions. As Beth attempted to join in, her laughter filled the room, momentarily breaking the somber atmosphere.

Lotte noticed Leah's distant expression and gently placed a hand on her arm. "You okay?" she asked, her voice filled with concern.

Leah offered a sad smile in response. "I will be," she replied softly, her gaze lingering on Aurora as she continued to sing. Despite the pain in her heart, Leah found solace in the music, hoping that somehow, she would find a way to mend what was broken.

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