Of course, he had to throw in a snide remark, typical Sheldon. I rolled my eyes, inwardly seething but outwardly maintaining my composure.

"But what's in it for me?" he pressed, reminding me once again of his penchant for self-interest.

"Cancel it first," I replied sharply, refusing to be swayed by his manipulative tactics.

He didn't respond, merely closing his locker with a finality that left me feeling strangely unsettled.

"I guess you're really keen on attending our little family photo," he remarked casually, a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes.

I scoffed, masking my discomfort with a dismissive wave of my hand. "Don't get too ahead of yourself, Sheldon," I retorted, determined not to let him get the better of me.

Deep down, though, I couldn't shake the feeling that our impending family photo was just the beginning of something much bigger and far more complicated than I had anticipated. And with Sheldon involved, I knew that navigating through the chaos ahead would be anything but easy. 

"What do you want in return?" I asked, my tone tinged with skepticism.

Sheldon was not one to do favors without expecting something in return. And knowing him, whatever he had in mind was bound to be calculated and self-serving.

He turned to face me, his expression unreadable. "Are you really willing to give me...everything I want?" he queried, his voice carrying a weight of seriousness that caught me off guard.

I paused, taken aback by the intensity of his question. It wasn't like Sheldon to make such bold demands outright. His usual modus operandi involved subtle manipulation and strategic maneuvering. But here he was, laying his cards on the table with a level of transparency that was both surprising and unsettling.

"Are you serious?" I retorted, raising an eyebrow skeptically. "You expect me to just hand over everything you desire on a silver platter?"

His gaze remained steady, unwavering. "I'm asking if you're truly prepared to fulfill my request," he clarified, his tone devoid of its usual arrogance.

I hesitated, grappling with the implications of his words. Giving Sheldon free rein to ask for whatever he wanted was a dangerous proposition. I knew all too well the depths of his cunning and the lengths he would go to get what he desired. But at the same time, I couldn't deny the allure of striking a deal with him, especially if it meant thwarting Mommy's plans for the family photo.

"It depends," I finally replied, choosing my words carefully. "What is it that you want?"

He regarded me with a knowing glint in his eyes, as if he had been anticipating this moment all along. "I'll tell you what I want," he began, his voice laced with a hint of intrigue. "But first, I need your assurance that you're willing to uphold your end of the bargain."

I bristled at his insinuation, but suppressed the urge to lash out. Playing into his hands was the last thing I wanted to do, but if it meant getting what I wanted – namely, the cancellation of the family photo – then perhaps it was a risk worth taking.

"Fine," I conceded begrudgingly, steeling myself for whatever demands he was about to make. "I'll agree to your terms. But know this, Sheldon – I won't be easily swayed."

He regarded me with a smirk, a glint of satisfaction dancing in his eyes. "Trust me, Nionahlie," he said cryptically, "I know exactly what I want."

And with that ominous declaration hanging in the air, I couldn't help but wonder what kind of deal I had just struck with the devil himself.

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