3. The Thorn and the Sun

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Fandom: Regal Academy

I will not add the pairing because it was specifically written to have that mystery element.


As far as Rose knew throughout her childhood, the only magic that existed was soulmates. Everyone had a soulmate and even better, a way to communicate with them. Everyone had a magical journal that had a match. That match was with the individual's soulmate. They could use these journals to communicate as everything one wrote in their own journal appeared in the other's. Rose knew about soulmates but didn't possess her journal until she turned twelve. Her parents agreed that they'd wait with such a thing until Rose got older. On her twelfth birthday, Rose was given her journal which she opened excitedly to see if maybe throughout all those years her soulmate tried to reach out. She only found a single message inside. "This is your soulmate. I was told this journal can communicate with yours. We'll see if that's true." Rose stared at the words and panicked. She hadn't responded to that message. She couldn't. What if her soulmate thought the journals weren't real or worse, that she didn't care? Clara had to calm Rose down. She reminded her that she could write her own message. What her soulmate wrote was simply one message, in one moment of their life. They wouldn't necessarily think the same way now.

Rose, after her birthday celebration, sat in her room with her journal, thinking about the best thing to write in it. She thought long and hard before she started writing.

"Hi! This is your soulmate. Sorry, I never replied to your message! My parents thought it would be best if I didn't get my journal until I got older. I only got it today."

She stared at the journal, waiting for something to happen. She was reluctant to put it away at bedtime and had a hard time falling asleep as she was endlessly thinking about the journal and her soulmate.

Rose carried the journal around with her everywhere. She was excited to show it off to her classmates. As for everyone, the appearance of the journal reflected its owner. Rose's was yellow with several patterns on it. There was a pink rose, a pair of shoes, and several recognizable fairytale elements. The glass slippers, a tower, an apple, the head of a beast, a frog in a crown, and a Chinese iron fan. There was also in black and white three figures, a mother and father and their child. Rose often admired the cover of her journal. She was amazed at how well it represented her. One thing she didn't understand was the pattern on the spine of the journal. There was a thorned vine swirling around on the spine. She learned from one of her classmates that the journal had something representing her soulmate too, as it did for everyone. Your soulmate was, after all, part of you.

Rose, despite the long time without a reply, would start writing in her journal. Most days she'd just write something like "School was yet again boring. wish we learned something more interesting." but when something noteworthy happened, she'd describe it in great detail. She'd let her soulmate know about the family trips they took or the crazy pranks her classmates would pull. Eventually Rose found herself writing down random thoughts too. Every now and then she'd write a single sentence like "I wish I had a pet." or "Man! Mice are scary.". There wasn't ever any reply until over a year after Rose had acquired her journal.

Rose was in school when it happened. She had a pretty bad lesson thanks to that one annoying classmate who just wouldn't stop trying to be the center of attention. She opened her journal and was about to vent when she noticed handwriting differing from hers. Rose's handwriting was rushed with a lot of errors and corrections, the last message in the journal was written with nearly no errors in a neat, almost regal, writing style. Rose stared at the short message amazed before actually reading it.

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