Chapter 2: Unfriendly Skies

Start from the beginning

Naser: Well, uh... not always...

I raised an eyebrow. shit, this is worse than I thought.

Zenith: Okay, when was the last time they gave you a genuine compliment?


He stopped to think about it, which gave me a clear enough answer. I felt bad for Naser. I thought he was stressed for all the work he has to do in school... but to think the reason was because of a family problem.

Naser: ....Regardless, Fang's still family. Even if they are...

Zenith: ...difficult?

Naser: YES! Difficult! And I just... got no idea why that's the case, you know?

Zenith: I'd rather not go onto uncharted territory here... I'm an only child after all that can't really give you much advice, sorry. But I hope your relationship with her will become better, you're a pretty cool guy.

Naser: Thanks, Zenith.
[Naser gave me a tired smile]

Zenith: No problem, man.
[I smiled back at him]

Before we got to approach bromance territory, the doors opened and we were blessed with the cheesy smell that followed one of the best culinary inventions ever: Pizza!

Naser: Sweet, let's go.

As I try to follow Naser, I'm stopped by the massive hand of a huge caveman... How, the hell did I not notice him!? Or even hear his footsteps!?

? ? ?: Wait.

Wait a tick.... this voice?

Zenith: Yes?

He guides me away from the crowd that's entering the auditorium before he speaks.

? ? ?: So, how are you feeling about our lovely school, Azenitheo?

Yeah, I do recognize that voice... That rough, way-too-loud tone of voice without yelling.

Zenith: Its quite a nice school, Principal Spears. Better than my old one that's for sure.

Spears: Why do you think it is?

Zenith: Well, first of all the different types of colors for every single person here are different, totally mesmerizing everywhere I look... aside from all the judgmental gaze from strangers. But, other than that it's awesome... to try and see other cultures that are different from my own.

Spears: I'm glad you like it Azenitheo.
[He said with a fatherly smile]

Zenith: Please call me Zenith Principal Spears.

Spears: Sure Zenith... Now Go on, enjoy the show.

Zenith: Thank you, sir.

Spears: Oh and Zenith, I do need you to come by my office tomorrow morning to deal with the paperwork regarding your financial assistance.

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