Chapter 13 | Jenna - Oklahoma city

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This chapter have really sensitive/dark themes, sexual content, explicit sex, drug (including alcohol) abuse, and extremely inappropriate language/slurs... This chapter might be triggering.


We tumbled through the door of our hotel room and hit the wall with a mighty thud. Emma's lips were all over me. My hands were everywhere on her. Our shirts disappeared, our chests heaving against each other. Together we gasped, fingers getting caught in fabric and teeth snagging over skin.

"God, Jenna," she groaned as I slipped my hand down the front of her pants. She lurched against me, and my fingers pressed against damp underwear.

"Take it off," I muttered, tugging on the waistband of her jeans.

"Take everything off." Her lips closed on my neck, and my fingers jerked against her. It made her teeth shudder against my pulse, a chain reaction.

Instead of undressing, Emma's fingers closed around my wrist, and then I felt her pull my hand out of her pants. I broke off from where I had been kissing her earlobe and met her gaze, concerned. Her eyes were flooded with desire, dark and needy. A little smile pulled at her lips, and I couldn't stop watching them. She pushed on my chest slightly, and I backed away half a step so she could extricate herself from between me and the wall.

She strutted away from me, that was the only word for it. The way she swung her hips, jeans hanging so low, I could see the skin beneath the bottom hem of her underwear. I chased after her, my hands closing around her waist from behind. I let one hand sneak upwards to land on her breast over her bra. Emma laughed, and together we stumbled over to the table where she had left the shop bag.

Finally...finally... she pulled the black box from the bag and handed it over her shoulder to me. She pulled out a smaller purple box and started unwrapping it herself. I looked down at the one in my hands. My mouth went dry at the picture of the harness. In my haste to get it open, I tore the cardboard. Emma laughed again.

"I'm not going anywhere," she said.

"Take your time putting it on." I kicked my jeans off, then hesitated before pulling down my underwear. Emma came to stand behind me, her hands trailing lightly across my skin.

"I'll help you," she muttered, her voice raspy. But her hands felt anything but helpful as they tugged my underwear down. A hot kiss landed on my lower back as her hands pulled my underwear past my knees. Then her fingers wrapped around my ankles, and I felt another kiss on the back of my right leg, just above my knee. I dropped the harness.

"S-sorry," I stuttered. She snickered, grabbing the harness from the bed where it fell. Still on her knees behind me, she pulled at my foot gently and then guided it through the first leg hole. She did the same thing with the other, then pulled the contraption upwards.

"That's why I said I'd help," she whispered. Her cool hands dragged upwards, the leather rubbing as she went. Her finger stopped just barely shy of my center, and I gasped when she cinched the harness in place and the crotch of the apparatus suddenly pressed tight against me. All at once, I could feel how wet I was. I couldn't help the little moan that came out.

Emma was back on her feet now, and she pivoted to face me as she adjusted a couple more straps. Then, without warning, she walked away. I stood frozen as she rooted through her suitcase, my whole body desperate for contact.

"You know," she said casually, "there's an extra feature that made me decide on this particular harness." Emma crossed the room towards me again, something hidden in her fist. She dropped to her knees in front of me again, and I felt another rush of arousal. I hadn't known I liked seeing her on her knees so much.

Road Trip (Jenna Ortega X Emma Myers)Where stories live. Discover now