Chapter 6 | Emma - Santa Rosa

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Jenna complimented my necklace so many times over the rest of the day that by the time we got dinner, I decided I'd wear it again tomorrow. I was already mentally running through the list of clothing I had available to figure out what would match. From the way she kept mindlessly running her finger along the collar of her v-neck while we checked into the hotel, I wondered if she was doing the same thing to plan an outfit that would still show off her hickey.

Our rooms were right next to each other. Once we said goodnight and went through our separate doorways, I realized they were connected with a two-door divider, where each room had to unlock its side to connect them. There was a gap in the bottom, about half an inch, that let me hear Jenna's music. Did she never get tired of it? Her playlist was interrupted by her ringtone after a little bit, and she answered the call. Her voice came through as clearly as if I'd been next to her.

"Hey, Al Pal!" she chirped. I tried not to listen, but she was just so loud.

"No, I told you, it's not like that. We're even in separate rooms."

My face burned. Had she told this person what happened between us last night? Al Pal... I searched my memory, but it didn't sound familiar. I knew I should stop listening.

"Yes, you already told me that," she hissed.

"I swear, Aliyah, if you don't stop using that phrase-"

Ah, I remembered! Aliyah was her sister's name. Oh god. Realization rushed over me. She was talking to her sister about whether or not we were going to fuck. I could only hope her sister had nice things to say about me. She was gay too, according to Jenna. I did tend to find a pretty supportive crowd with lesbians. Hopefully, this Aliyah person didn't have anything too terrible to say about me.

"Hang on," Jenna's voice mumbled.

"I've gotta-ugh, my hands are full. Let me put you on speaker."

A second later, a new voice echoed through the room.

"Anyway, then Hank said he'd try to go to bat for me, but I need numbers to show by next month. Can you believe that?" There was a moment of silence.

"Jenna, are you even listening to me?"

"Yes, yes!" Jenna cried, her mouth full of food. I barely held back a snicker. "Can you maybe have a little patience? I'm trying to eat, gosh."

Aliyah's reply came fast and easy. "No, I have no patience whatsoever. You should be eating out, Emma."

I couldn't help it. An enormous, surprised laugh bubbled out of me. It echoed around my room, and I knew from the gasp Jenna gave that she had heard it. I clamped a hand over my mouth.

"What was that?" asked the tinny voice on the phone.

"Is that her, the actual Emma Myers? Oh, my god. Is she in your room? Is that what you're doing with your mouth?"

Jenna let out a horrified squawk, followed quickly by a slamming noise like she had fallen over. Then came more scuffling and more noises from Jenna as she tried to both drown out her sister's explicit monologue and not say anything incriminating herself. Now I was glad my hand held back my laughter because I was doubled over at this point. My eyes streamed with tears, I was laughing so hard.

Aliyah's chant came through the commotion.

"Jump! Her! Bones! Jump! Her! Bones!"

"Goodbye, a random stranger I do not know with weird ideas about my normal relationship with my travel companion." Jenna practically shouted all this. Then the chatter from the phone cut off suddenly. She had hung up on her sister.

Road Trip (Jenna Ortega X Emma Myers)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat