Chapter 20

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Under the scorching rays of the midday sun, Jungkook found himself engulfed in a maelstrom of emotions. Beads of sweat trickled down his forehead, mirroring the heat that seared through his troubled mind. With his exam looming ominously on the horizon, his heart grew heavy with the spectre of failure. Yes, definitely he would fail without any doubt

Why that person did such a terrible thing to him? So heartless. Jungkook's breath thrived hazardously as he looked outside the dry environment, eyes dark like the mysterious space

Betrayal, like a bitter taste, lingered on his tongue. The memories were still fresh and raw. Someone he once trusted had twisted their back on him, leaving behind fractured pieces of faith and shattered loyalty. It was a wound that refused to cure, reopening with each unbearable passing thought of the teen

"Jungkook Talk to me, please. What happened?"

Jungkook's gaze shifted toward the shorter male wordlessly. He knew his throat was too dry with emotions to even say anything. Despite the efforts of his friend Misang, who sat beside him since 11 am, with unwavering support, Jungkook struggled to shake off the weight of his despair. Misang's words of encouragement echoed in the stifling air, but they seemed to fall on deaf ears as Jungkook remained lost in his own turmoil. His spirit was dampened by the suffocating grip of sadness and fear.

"It's too complicated Misang"

Jungkook leaned his tired head against the window wall. His empty gaze fell like a twilight blanket over the visible empty street outside, unknowingly dragging upward to peek at the house where that person lived. Despite fucking up his life yesterday that manwhore didn't even try to come and apologise for once

 Despite fucking up his life yesterday that manwhore didn't even try to come and apologise for once

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Did he assume that Jungkook was depressed over nothing? Passing the exam was like a drug to him. From that very moment, when he discovered what the prestige of a person was, he started to understand that without talent and success, he would be nothing but a piece of empty paper bag. He grew up watching his hyung's success, All the praises he got and the way he became an important individual in the family. Even Mr Jeon gave importance to every word he emitted. The old man who had such a fatherly and dominant ego, didn't even flinch to alter his decision based on a simple comment his older son passed

Jeon Jungkook wanted that importance to be put on him too. He admired his hyung and wanted to be just like him, so much so that he forgot to build his own personality

As he stepped into the consciousness of self-realization at the age of 14, he found himself trapped in a tempest of emotions, each wave crashing against the fragile shores of his soul. Haunted by the shadow of his older brother's talents, he felt as though he was forever chasing an unattainable dream, desperate to prove his worth in the eyes of his parents.

The weight of expectation bore down upon him like a leaden cloak, suffocating him with its relentless demands. Every day was and still stayed a battle, a relentless struggle to climb the ladder of academic success, to be the best, to be seen. Yet beneath the facade of determination lay a weary heart, a soul exhausted of the ceaseless pursuit of standard.

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