-Chapter Eighteen- Trapdoor

Start from the beginning

Rapunzel ran over in front of a pillar and began to shout. "Uh, hey, you! Um... metal-head!"

"Automaton!" corrected Varian, but Rapunzel didn't seem to be listening.

"Come and get it!" she finished. The mechanical beast turned its head to her and began to run, the floor shaking beneath its footsteps.

Y/n saw Rapunzel's plan mere seconds before it worked. Rapunzel ducked out of the way of the automaton's fist- would it really be so bad if it hit her?- and the metal crashed into the pillar Rapunzel now hid behind. The pillar shook, and the ceiling above it began to give.

Chunks of debris fell from the ceiling, and Rapunzel looked back to Varian and Y/n. "Distract him and draw him towards you!" called Rapunzel, pointing towards the pillar they stood next to, and beginning to take out her hair. Wait, why is it a him now? Where is she getting this information?

With one last smile in Y/n's direction, Varian pulled another set of vials from his satchel and threw them at the automaton. They hit their mark perfectly, exploding on impact. The automaton stumbled back, but still seemed undamaged.

Y/n gazed at the machine in wonder. Obviously, this one would have to be disposed of, but still, it was just so powerful. She wondered if the automaton could be replicated... and if so, all the things she could do with that kind of power behind her.

Well, now that would be fun, wouldn't it?

Y/n was snapped from these thoughts, however, as Varian grabbed her hand and pulled her to the other side of the room where Rapunzel waited, the automaton's lifeless emerald eyes tracking their movement.

Rapunzel quickly looped her hair around the pillars to their left and right, creating a tripwire that the automaton walked into without a second glance.

Awful as Rapunzel may be, she can sure take down a massive killer robot.

The automaton staggered as it tripped over Rapunzel's hair, trying to right itself, but it didn't get the chance- both pillars tipped, disconnecting from their supports and crashing down onto the machine, bringing it to the ground.

The whirr of the mechanisms slowly faded out, and its green eyes blinked into nothing. Rapunzel stepped over the mechanical corpse without a second thought. "Come on, let's go!"

Varian and Y/n followed, clambering over the fresh debris in their wake. Rapunzel tossed her hair upwards and wrapped it around the ladder, pulling it down to their level before returning her hair to its usual style.

Y/n was about to follow, but a glint of bronze in the rubble caught her eye. She shook Varian's shoulder as she realized what it was, a wicked smile growing on her face.

Varian turned curiously as Y/n got his attention, and she pointed towards what she had noticed- the timing cylinder that had seemed to operate the automaton, lying abandoned in the dust.

"Hmm..." Varian smirked at Y/n, and leaned down to snatch the cylinder from the rubble, tucking it into his satchel.

Y/n looked up, and saw that Rapunzel had already ascended the ladder. She turned back to see Varian with a grin on his face, and she smiled- she couldn't wait to see what Rapunzel was going to do, now that their secrets were going to come out. She's going to hurt.

"Shall we?" asked Varian with a one last smirk, and Y/n grinned back at him, before ascending the ladder, out of the darkness and into what lay beyond.

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