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Mexico was looking outside the balcony enjoying the nature outside. Then she looked down.

"Then in a few more weeks you will enjoy it too." She said with a calm voice and a relaxed smile before entering the house. When she entered she was surprised attack with a hug.

"I miss you!" America said as he hugged her.

"I missed you too." Mexico replied. As both of them hugged America noticed something..

"What is this?" America asked. As he put his hand on Mexico's stomach (well not really but near her stomach kind of you get what I mean.

"Well if you remember a bit ago you said you wanted a surprise before you left so I decided that this might be the surprise.

"Ahh ok. Boy of girl." America asked

"Girl you idiot. Did you not read my letter." Mexico replied after facepalming.

"Sorry I very busy with work and I didn't have time to read the letter. Being a new father and working at the government is tough work you know." America responded awkwardly.

"Well since you're here why not enjoy being with your wife and soon your daughter." Mexico sang.

"Ok no more musical numbers. You remember that I don't like them right."

"Yeah I forgot whoops." Mexico chucked in embarrassment. As both Mexico and America sat down the phone started ringing.

"Oh it's for me! I'll be back, America I'll just-" Then Mexico left mid sentence.

As she ran to the bedroom she picked up the call.

"What do you want? I'm with America right now!" She whispered.

"Well I'm sorry but I need you to know something." The anonymous voice said to Mexico in a stern but angry voice.

"Well what is it!"

"So we hacked into some of the cameras and one of them had England in a room. Then he left but I didn't know what they were saying but that is all I know."

"Thanks Chile." Mexico said as she hung up. Before Mexico could even turn America was there waiting by the door.

"Who was it." America asked in a dead serious tone. Mexico looked at him and walked towards him very slowly.

"All you need to know is that it's not important for you." Mexico told America. Mexico went to the living room and sat down on the couch with a blank expression.

While Mexico was sitting down he pondered why did Mexico's mood change really quick. So he decided to brighten up the day (as if it's already day time) and went to Mexico and asked her.

"What would you like to do."

"Well what do you like to do?" Mexico asked him.

"I don't know that is why I asked you."

"Well shit I did not think of this through." Mexico said as both her and America were standing there.

"Let's go outside." Mexico said as she stood up and went into the room to change.

"Alright." America said. America looked outside before standing up to go to the house.

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