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We continue to run, going through hallway upon hallway, trying to find the way out; hoping to make it out before the detonation begins. We finally make it to an elevator, there's a button. "TOP" it reads. The doctor pushes it, and the doors close... now we wait, anxiously. He hasn't let go of my hand. I look down and just examine it, he is wearing brownish leather gloves, they're coarse but also smooth same time in some spots.
"Are you ready?" He speaks to me, breaking me out of my thoughts. I hesitantly nod. "Let's get out of here, my dear," I spoke as he looked at the opening doors, revealing a caged-in walkway. A lot of shouting, wooshing noises, and gunshots can be heard. He yanks me forward with me, running as fast as we can...well, I can. I hear him mumble a few curses before lifting me onto his shoulder and bolting. I stare out back behind us, I see the doors open back up and multiple guards with those people in white coats appear. I hear them shouting as they point their guns at us.
"DOCTOR, GUNS!!" I screeched as I gripped his jacket in fear. I felt him speed up as much as he could.
"Almost, almost, almost, almost" He keeps repeating to himself. The guards are relentless. They begin shooting, I scream in reaction, earning a jump from the Doctor before he slams through another door, slamming it behind us and blocking it.
He sits me down on the floor, panickingly looking around. I begin to feel a throbbing pain in my shoulder, I look over to see blood pooling from it. I give out a shaky breath.
"D...Do...Do-Doctor..." he looks at me finally and freezes.
"Shit." He rushes over and brings out a satchel I never realized he had. He starts rummaging through it before pulling out gauze, multiple mounds of it. He holds it on the wound, pressing hard to try and stop the bleeding. We both jump at hearing loud banging on the door, like someone slamming their body against it. He wraps some gauze under my arm and over my shoulder to try and keep artificial pressure on it. "Can you walk?" I stiffly nod, and stand up to try to take some steps before stumbling. He catches me and slings me back on his shoulder. "Not gonna test it." He said before he began to run again.
"Wh-Where are we going?" I spoke sheepishly to him.
"Like I said. Out." That is the only thing he said in response. Out. Freedom. Together. I grip back onto his jacket, trusting him, but also becoming extremely uncomfortable by the pain. I lay my head on him, feeling faint before looking at my shoulder. It's seeping blood through the gauze. Oh gosh...let us get out before I die, please?
"Please... let me see Mother Earth before I die," I mumbled more to myself.
"Shut up, you're not dying, not on my fucking watch." He barked at me. I truly don't have the energy to react. I just simply smile. Right... right. The bleeding won't stop, blood isn't clotting. Oh...I wish I had healing abilities; yet, I fear I don't. I felt a breeze on me, and smelt of fresh air. Outside... we're outside. Finally. I finally gave up on trying to stay conscious.

-scp-049 pov-

I felt her let go of my jacket. FUCK. fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. I need to get to the forest, quickly. Please, for the love of God, don't be dead.
I finally reach the forest, I hide us behind a tree and sit her down. Fuck. I look at her shoulder, everything is red. Her pure white beauty stained an ungodly red. I unwrap the gauze, I need to stitch it up. Find where the excessive bleeding is coming from. Please don't be dead, but don't wake up in the middle of this. I start to get to work.

I sit back, slouching against a tree facing her. Staring her down, watching her chest rise and fall while she is covered with my coat. She lost a lot of blood... but I finally got it to stop... I truly hope I was quick enough. I finally get up, slowly lifting her bridal style, earning a soft, uncomfortable groan from her; before I begin walking further into the forest.

A whole night cycle has passed, still not awake. I sit next to her, poking the fire I made late last night. Waiting. She's alive, just very very weak. I will wait. I will not lose the last hope of happiness again. I stare down at my hands, bloodied. Her blood. I look back at her, I tried to clean her up as best as possible, but the blood has stained her already. I tried to scrub as much from her hair but it's like it's taken a new color to it. It's now a grotesque blood red mixed with her normal white.
All I can do is wait.

Scp-049 x scp!readerWhere stories live. Discover now