1-what are you?

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~back story on what you are. You're a deer-human hybrid from a tribe that was killed off. You are all white with white fur, white hair, and light grey eyes. You're the only color from your tribe. You are about the looks of 18 to 19 but you're much older. You'll find that out later. :) I haven't written a GOOD story in like half a decade so bear with me lol. I usually write while slow at work so it'll be a slowish update. ~

I sat leaning against the wall, huddled into a ball, my head hiding between my legs. How did this happen to me? I look down at my white deer legs that others don't have... not the things that took me have them.
My people... all gone. They all were killed by these things. They only took me bc I surrendered. I was never taught to fight, I was taught to rule. I let out a soft sob at remembering my life. I grip at the weird things they called clothes they forced onto me. I don't know what to think right now. I'm so desperate for something good to happen after seeing my people ruthlessly slaughtered. I've been alive for centuries, and never have we been harmed so harshly. We've always been so neutral with every living being... so this is all a shock.
"05548 stop crying. You've cried 20 times today and it's only 10 am." A loud booming voice yelled at me. I flinched and cowered under my bed. I'm short and thin enough to fit. I tremble all over, terrified of the voice. A sigh is heard from the air.

Some time passes and I crept out from under the bed at hearing food has been delivered. I looked at the shiny tray of assorted weird-looking bright food. I sat in front of it, eyeing it all. I picked up a bright red round thing and sniffed it. It smells faintly sweet. I take a small hesitant bite. Oh wow! I hastily eat it, it tastes wonderful! I move to what looks like is supposed to be grass. I grab a piece of the pale wide grass and eat it. Very watery, with no taste really. I shrug and continue eating everything. Everything is all new but very good! My tail wagged a little, satisfied that the food is at least good! I push the food back to the cold white door and head to the bed and sit on it. I run my hands through my long white hair, combing out the knots that have developed. I hear the door opening and freeze. Someone reaches in through a small cubby and grabs the tray before closing it. I wait a bit longer before cautiously continuing.
I start softly singing to myself to relax, as I'm very scared and stressed.
I lay down on my bed, my pale beige hooves on the wall as I stare up at the blank ceiling, my arms spread wide across the bed.
"05548, stand at attention." The voice spoke unexpectedly.  I sit up and stare around. The door opens. I stare at the people in all black come in. Surrounding someone in a white thing over other colored things covering their body. One of the things in all black sat a chair down, and the person in white sat down in it and stared at me. I look at them terrified and on edge.
"Hello 05548, I'm Dr. Pristin. I'll be observing you for a while. Alright?" A feminine voice came out from the being. I hesitantly nod. "You can understand me! Good good. I mean you no harm." She consoles me. I huddle under my blanket unsure of her anyways.
All that's been happening is her observing me. Nothing else. She told the guys in all black to stay at the door seeing I'm not moving.
"What's your name?" I look at her, suspicious. Why does she wanna know? I hesitate.
"I...I... I'm...I'm known as y/n." I mumbled. She scribbles that down. I don't know what to really think about her or this going on right now. It's all too scary.
"What were you to those other creatures? As they were very heavy in protecting you." She asked.
"I'm the next heir....well was," I mumbled the last part sadly. She scribbled that too.
"Why are you albino? Would you have a possibility of knowing?" She asked. I shake my head.
"I'm the only albino, as you say. We term it a celestial one. We are the color of the stars, so we are seen as a more prestige being." I explained.
"Are you the only one like this?" She asked, seeming intrigued.
"Yes. Yet, I'm now the only one of my kind alive anymore." I spoke with venom while looking at my hooves. She's silent for a while.
"I see... I wasn't told they killed all your people." She spoke nervously, obviously unsure how I'll act. I saw her look at the black shiny big thing on the wall. "Would have been grand to know you assholes killed everyone." She spoke with sheathing words. I shivered as she sounded very very mad. She turns her attention back to me. "How old are you?"
"Well... I would say about 80 eclipses. I don't know how old that would be for you... things? I don't know what you are." I said uncertainly.
"I'm a human, and we call creatures like you hybrids." I nod in response.
"What are humans?" She thinks about my question.
"Well... we are very weak things that evolved from an animal known as apes. We are believed the smartest creature on Earth... well, I truly don't believe it. We're very weak. But make up for it for our brain and intellect." She explained. I nod, thinking.
"So, your kind believe you are the best things to exist when you're the weakest things to be alive, is what I'm getting?" She nods.
"Essentially. We grow and build muscle mass to try and prove that, but it's no match to most animals and supernatural beings." She told me. I nod.
"I see..." I hummed. We both sit in silence, thinking. She breaks the silence first.
"You are very gorgeous y/n. I'm glad to be put on investigating you. I truly believe you have no ill intentions even knowing what has happened to your people. You seem to be a truly kind person, and I want to say I'm truly sorry for what's happened to your people. Humans are ruthless, heartless creatures, and we truly don't deserve the title of being seen as the best things alive."
"Dr. Pristin. Leave now." The voice is heard. Commanding. She glares at the black shiny thing again. People are behind that. She gets up, bows her head to me, and leaves. I hear yelling outside the door.
"What the fucking hell is wrong with you all!? She is a young, scared, lonely creature!!! She looks no older than 18! She had many opportunities to hurt me and she never took a chance. She is not going to cause harm." I hear her scolding someone. I like her. I lay down on my bed and try to sleep.

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