Chapter 18: Preparations

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"I'm sorry to inform you that our so-called immortal dragon wasn't as immortal as we were told, a tragic tale" the sad mask said in a crying voice. "Are you kidding me? An IMMORTAL DRAGON dying?" The Dramaturge yelled out in frustration. "How was it even defeated, Ventus said that her dragon could always regenerate" the Dramaturge asked Tragedy with a disappointed tone in his voice. "Regenerating the dragon takes away her stamina since she's the one that summoned it, apparently it was cut to tiny pieces in one swift motion and that must have been too much for her to handle at once. All that was left of her was this, how incredibly tragic." Tragedy said while using its powers to float the mutilated corpse of the green haired girl into the room. "Do we know who did this? And who did you even get the information from, you were supposed to be here and not out somewhere" Dramaturge said. "I wasn't out, it was the Jesters trainee that found her remains, apparently the people that killed Ventus are also the ones that abandoned her. How sad, to just get abandoned like that must really hurt" Tragedy cried. "Tragedy your pessimistic comments are really starting to piss me off" the tall figure said in an annoyed tone. " But if there is someone out there capable of killing the immortal dragon that Ventus controlled in one blow, they need to be dealt with right away. We can not allow a power like that to exist unless its under our control" Dramaturge mumbled while walking around the room. "Tragedy, go grab Comedy and the Jester, and tell him to bring his trainee along. I have an announcement to make." Dramaturge said while pointing towards the door. "Of course, I will be back soon. How tragic that I have to do this work" Tragedy mumbled on its way out. "God he never shuts up, does he?" Dramaturge sighed while sitting down on his throne. "Comedy, Dramaturge told me to gather the rest of you. He has an announcement to make apparently. I hope its not sad news" Tragedy said as it ran into Comedy in a hall. "Oh I am excited! I hope its good news, like that maybe we finally managed to locate that rumored relic that makes this place what it is" Comedy laughed while floating off to the throne room. "Hey Jester, Dramaturge gave me the order to gather the rest of you in his throne room. He has an announcement to make, he also ordered you to bring the girl along. How sad that you have deal with that girl" Tragedy said while floating off. "Ignis, come. Dramaturge needs us in the throne room" the Jester said as he spread his dragon wings. "Right, let me just finish this. Shouldn't take long" Ignis said as she made a finger gun, she made a shooting gesture and a loud bang was heard, a second later, the huge creature she was fighting was laying on the ground, unresponsive. "Excellent, now hurry up" the Jester said in a slightly annoyed tone as he grabbed Ignis and flew her back into the theater of the branded."

As soon as everyone was present, Dramaturge began to speak. "I'm sure you all know that Ventus and her dragon were defeated in battle by being cut down in a single strike. I have decided that a force that huge can not be allowed to roam around freely, therefore we will go to war against the group that killed her. Jester, the group is the same one that your trainee was abandoned by so she will be the key to victory" Dramaturge said as he pointed at the girl "isn't that right, don't you want revenge?" He asked as he moved closer to her. "I do; therefore, I have the request to take them on by myself" Ignis said as she bowed down. "Jester, do you think she is capable of taking them on?" Dramaturge asked the Jester who had taken off his mask. "Yes, I do. Ignis has grown a lot stronger since I started training her. It shouldn't be a big deal" the Jester replied with a big grin. "Very well then, Ignis I hereby allow you to take them on by yourself. They were last seen in the crystal cavern, the same system that the Jester defeated you in just a lot deeper down. They will soon be heading to Elborz, it's a village of people that suffered the same fate we did, died down here and are now trapped but they don't want to get out of here, they're known as hollows. You will catch them there and annihilate them. Jester will take you there" Dramaturge said as he slowly moved away from the group and towards his throne. "How sad that they have to die, and an old friend killing them" Tragedy cried. "I find this quite amusing, it's a spectacle" Comedy laughed. "You guys are the fucking worst" Jester said while he was taking his leave. "Come on Ignis, its time for you to get what you want. Revenge" The Jester said as he gestured for them to leave the room.

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