Chapter 17: Puppeteer

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The dragon dashed at them with its mouth wide open and aimed at Pyke. "Oh no you don't" Jaxith said as he jumped in the way of the dragon, slicing it open as it flew past. The dragon pulled itself back together once again but once it was done, it let out a cry, its eyes started glowing even brighter. It dashed into the middle of the group at incredible speeds, thrashing around as soon as it reached the middle. The group got sent flying into the surrounding walls. Everyone was mostly fine, except for Alora, she had a slash across her stomach. "Oh my god Alora are you okay, I'm sorry I couldn't protect you" Nerezza said as she rushed over to her lover, on the verge of tears. "Neri I'll be okay, I can't fix myself up but I'm sure it will be fine" Alora said with a faint smile on her face, blood was pouring from her mouth. "Alora I'm so sorry, don't leave me alone, please, I don't wanna be alone again, I can't be" Nerezza cried as she clung to Aloras body. "Nerezza, I have an idea but you'll have to buy me some time, can you hold that dragon off for a second?" Jaxith asked as he rushed over. "Oh I can do that, come here you empty puppet bitch, I'll kill you as many times as I have to until ever last piece of you is erased from existence" Nerezza said, the flames of grief and hate burning brighter than ever inside of her. "Perfect, Pyke come over here, I'm gonna need your help" Jaxith said as he ran towards the wounded girl. "I'm gonna need you to hold her in Place" The older brother said "Alora this is gonna be difficult but please try to hold as still as possible, this is gonna hurt a lot but anything is better than dying." Jaxiths hand started glowing a faint, icy, blue and ice started covering Aloras massive wound, despite trying to hold back she could not help but thrash around. Nerezza severed the dragons body with a force strong enough to cut through boulders and at speeds close to that of Ignis. Every time the dragon would pull itself back together only to be torn apart again, but something strange was happening, it seemed to get less and less pain resistant with every death. Nerezza kept killing the dragon over and over again, cuts appearing all over her body and her eyes glowing brighter and brighter with every second. "You can feel pain now can't you? AMAZING, I'm gonna make you suffer beyond anyone's comprehension" she yelled out before she increased her speed once again, cutting the dragon into tiny piececs on one smooth motion without it having a chance to react. This time, it could not repair itself, instead Nerezza heard a crash somewhere deeper in the cave and immediately dashed in its direction, now completely consumed by hatred. When she reached the origin of the sound, it was a green haired girl in a purple robe with green eyes. Without even asking questions, it was clear to Nerezza that this was the puppeteer to the puppet she had just defeated, apparently she had run out of energy to keep the dragon under control. Nerezza immediately went to work and severed the girls limbs which woke her up from unconsciousness. As soon as she woke up she started screaming in pain but Nerezza did not care, she tore the girls stomach open with her Scythe and left her to bleed out in the cavern floor and the hurried back to her girlfriend. As soon as Jaxith saw her, his mind started racing, holy shit, with the way she looks she might be even more of a monster than that dragon that attacked us, or any creature we saw this far for that matter. Her eyes are full of bloodlust. "Jaxith, is she alive?" Nerezza said as she kneeled next to him and her girlfriend. "Yes, I used ice to stop the bleeding and apparently she taught Pyke how to heal others wounds, if not for him she'd be dead" Jaxith said while giving his brother a smile. "Granted, my skills aren't as good as hers but its enough to keep her from dying and slowly get back on her feet" Pyke said while giving Nerezza a scared, yet hopeful, look. Immediately when she heard that, the bloodlust from her eyes vanished into nothing. "Thank you, I'm so glad you two are around" Nerezza said while wiping a tear from her cheek 

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