Chapter 2

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"All his little whining and he gets special treatment" Maxine retorted. Which is nice given the fact that I'm only older by a minute.  Clay and Tony look out for me ever since Hannah died. So my ride for school would have picked us up if we hadn't moved away so far away.  But here we are, in fucking Massachusetts. The weather is colder here. It's sunny some days . But sometimes it's not enough. Nothings enough anymore nowadays.

All I do is sit at school by myself. At a school where my sister rules the place. Sometimes it feels like I'm drowning in this darkness. In a sea . But when I get high, it all goes away for a split minute. When I get stoned it feels better for a little while at least.  It feels like I'm tripping sometimes. Some days it gets me out of my head. Other days it's just... a new blank slate? I'm not sure how to deal with it. It's just crisis after crisis. New thing of Maxine's drama. Or Mangs drama.

Speaking of mang. There's this other new kid I've been hanging with... her name is ginny. She's ok. Cool all in all.  But I can't seem to get her out of my head. She's like the other part of this drug I can seem to taste. I try to not waste any moments with her. But she's so sad too. And I try to not show that I'm hurting when I'm with her, because then she'd worry. And we wouldn't want anybody to worry now would we? "Oh darling, your all I can touch and all I want to feel, you make my insides burn and yet I yearn for more" that's all I want. All I want is ginny. And ginny is all I need. But how can I be whaat she wants and needs if I'm not there for myself?

To save myself (a gngx13reasonswhy fanfic) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon