Chapter 2 That takes care of dinner

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       A small tear appeared in an inconspicuous part of a quiet forest causing little to no disturbance as it started growing longer, immediately the line reached a length of 10metre it starts widening until it forms an oval shaped portal.


A woman rushes out of the portal  followed by a humanoid beast with horns on its head, it was holding an axe  the same in height as the woman who came out of the portal before it, it had a height of over 12 meters and had to bend to get through the portal.
"This was unexpected... well I expected one of you guys to follow me but I was anticipating one of the fast ones like the Roc or the Griffins, you know the ones known for their speed not a muscle head you Minotaur"

The woman said while stabbing her sword on the ground to get her balance.   "You didn't really think we were going to let you get away, more so with a child in your stomach right Maria???". Minotaur said while swinging the large axe in its hand.

"Let's get this over with shall we?" She said before picking her sword which had fallen out of her hand at some point during her landing. 'Its not like I can let you leave after discovering where I landed after escaping, I don't want any known or unknown variable, the future of my child depends on it'.
"Yes let's get over this I want to return your head to the lord and claim the reward"Minotaur said as it lifted it's axe preparing for an attack.

Boom! Boom!!

Two explosions where made as the two attackers left ditches in their previous locations.


  The sword and axe clashed many times within the short time it took for the two explosion sounds to settle, despite it's menacing appearance the Minotaur failed to push Maria back more than a meter, ' I wonder how her delicate body can endure the amount of force I am putting into my axe, she is already injured and I can only do this much damage what happens if she recovers, I have to finish her off quickly' as Minotaur determined his next move, he increases his attack frequency while brewing his external energy for a final attack.

Immediately Maria sensed the change in external energy she could already deduce Minotaurs thoughts, so she made the decision any wise person who is currently in her position will make. 'RUN' but even if she had to run she had to run in a way that would give a an extra time to land a killing blow and what better way to do that than to run when his energy is almost discharged. ' Let's start a countdown' she immediately starts transferring energy to her legs the moment she also decided on her next moves.
   As Minotaur's energy boils to the max he raised his axe and swings it down directly at Maria. 'NOW' Maria shouted in her mind as she moves her body in the direction she left open during their fight.


As Maria evades the move containing Minotaurs remaining energy, she makes a graceful curve in the air while spinning her body along with the outstretched sword. 


  Minotaur's axe touches the ground as he looked blankly ahead with his other hand covering his throat, 'How' that was the one question left in his mind as his strength slipped from his body.
As if she could read his mind she said " In case you've forgotten the reason the lord wants us exterminated in the first place is because we cultivate both internal and external energies". Minotaurs eyes widen as he cursed himself for his stupidity, how could he have forgotten the main characteristic of that clan, the main reason they were so feared until the new lord ordered their extermination, He glared hatefully at Maria for misleading him with her weak appearance during the fight and fueling his confidence causing him to forget this small detail.


Minotaurs body makes a loud noise upon coming into contact with the ground raising dust in all directions.


Maria's sword creates a white blur as it streaks towards the source of the rustling sound.


As soon as the dust settled Maria sees the source of the rustling sound, it turned out to be a rabbit with teeth's that elongated out of its mouth, seeing the sword sticking out of its head she says "Well that takes care of dinner" before leaning against the tree .

(Writer: Please leave comments so I can know my weak points. Thank you)

Beast Slayerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें