SEB - chapter 2

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Seb had been giving out punch and cokes all night now and his arms were growing tired. i guess this is the price of everyone loving you. serving them like a god damn slave. he wanted to party and rizz up girls just for the sake of doing it. to show people that he can. that he is capable of making people who hes supposed to want, want him.

Sebs thoughts were interrupted by some short guy asking where the drinks are. Seb spots his get away as he sees the door open, adrenaline rushing through him as he spots mike walk in. "uh, i gotta get the door. go ask someone else." he says, not even bothering to look his guest in the eye. he pushes past a few people to get to the door, trying not to run so fast as to look desperate.

"Mike! Callum! you came!" he says, dabbing them both up, holding onto mikes hand for a little too long. he feels his cheeks heat up, hoping the dark light will cover his blush. "duhhh!" callum says, punching his shoulder. "this is the rizziest party of the fucking year man!" he says. "are there any ladies i can rizz up?" callum asks.

Seb laughs "in the back mate." he says, callum rushing off the second the words leave his mouth. "desprate that one is!" he says. Mike laughs, a sound that could make him melt. "definetly eager!" mike says.
"oh 100%!" seb says "want some bang energy or something? ive got tones of rizzy stuff."
"for sureee!!"
seb leads the way to the kitchen, pushing his way through the crowd when he feels mikes hand on his back which sends shivers up his spine. "wh-what are you touching me for?" he spits.
mike pulls his hand back and seb regrets he ever said anything.

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