🖤 Ashes

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Based on the song "Ashes" by Céline Dion

Ballister pov

Everything is in ruins.

Smoke is everywhere and dust covers every surface, causing such an eery aura. I limp forward, slowly, looking for someone- anyone.

"Nimona!" I hoarsely call out.

But there's no response. "Nimona, please come out!" I try once more.

Continuing still I cough through the dust and smoke. I try calling them again. "Nimo-" I stop.

Looking up I see small particles of pink.

And they're falling gracefully, but never touching the filthy ground.

I try and reach for the last one, a sliver of hope pulsing through my veins.

I reach out, but then it's gone; never even coming in contact with my hand.

I close my fist and feel my knees buckle under me. My already obscured vision is now more blurry as tears start to flood my eyes.

I fall onto my knees, head hanging low.

Behind me I feel a gentle hand be placed on my shoulder. Looking back I see it's Ambrosius.

"Amb.." I start, before falling into him, allowing him to catch me within his arms.

I nuzzle my face into the crook of his neck as I unravel. Gutteral sobs and tears come pouring out as he holds me securely in his embrace.

"What's left to do with these broken pieces on the floor?," I choke out. "I'm losing my voice, calling on you."

"I know, Bal, I know," he whispers.

"I've been shaking, I've been bending backwards til I'm broke- watching all these dreams go up in smoke,"

"Let beauty come out of ashes, Bal, let beauty come out of ashes," he tells me, stroking my face with a gloved finger.

"Can beauty come out of ashes?" I desperately ask.

He holds me closer as I continue to sob violently into his neck.

"Can you use these tears to put out the fires in my soul? Cause I need you here," I whisper.

Ambrosius gently lifts my chin up, and he tentatively places his lips to mine.

"I've been shaking I've been bending backwards til I'm broke," He whispers against my lips.

"Watching all these dreams go up in smoke."
He continues to hold me, ever so slightly tightening his grasp on me.

"Let beauty come out of ashes," I whisper.

I stay in the crook of Ambrosius's neck, eyes closed as I am held by the love of my life.

I heard him whisper once more before falling silent, "Let beauty come out of ashes."

As he held me close I pried my head away from his neck and looked to where he was so fixated on.

And my mouth dropped.

The wall that has been standing there for centuries was collapsed, and in it's place a view of mountains, forest dwellings and a lengthy river twinkling in the moonlight.

Oh, Nimona, I think to myself. You'd love this.

I guess there was beauty that came from the ashes, huh?

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