Chapter 6: Reaction

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Aizawa's POV

On the morning of the second day, I was not at all wanting to get out of sleeping bag. Not just because of my sleeping habits, but also because of the gut feeling I had telling something was wrong. It wasn't wrong as in someone was about to get hurt though, it was more as if there was something I haven't noticed. Something I definitely should've seen.

But what is it? What have I missed?

I couldn't answer that question yet, so I decided to get through my day while thinking about it. I opened my eyes just a crack to check the screens, but it was only static.

Damn it Miyo, be less smart!

It probably wasn't that hard to fiddle with wires in a drone, but hacking into a security system as high as Tartarus? That wasn't something a normal fifteen year old should be able to do. I could hear Nezu talking with a newly awoken Bakugo in the next room over when the cameras came back online. I paled at the sight.

Bakugo: Before she killed me, she told me not to watch the cameras. Why?

Me: I think I may know why.

Both of them tried to enter the room but I held Bakugo back with my capture weapon. She was right about not wanting him to see this. Kirishima and Tetsutetsu were both tied to each other and covered in blood. Everyone started freaking out and Monoma, who was below them, tried to get up but slipped in a puddle of blood. He landed in more of the red liquid, only panicking him further. He started pointing at the ceiling as well, getting everyone's attention. The cameras couldn't quite see what was there, but after seeing a red droplet fall I think I caught the jist of it.

The others tried to calm him down while Miyo, who was likely watching this on the phone she somehow had, only had a blank expression on her face. She was like a doll, so pretty and yet unnerving at the same time.

How can she just sit and watch? Wasn't she the one that did this? Was she feeling guilty? Sad? Who knows! Show some emotion from time to time, not just the fake smiles I see on your face every day.

I was still mid-mental rant when Bakugo piped up. I had almost completely forgotten he was still in my capture weapon.

Bakugo: *quietly* What... What did she do?

I couldn't respond. No one could.

Bakugo: All of your faces... What did she do? Tell me!

Me: I don't think you want to know, trust me. She'll be fine though, just wait.

He pouted as I released him and let him sat back on the couch.

What am I going to do with you, problem child?


Hello, sorry about the short chapter. Also, would you guys still be mad at me if I told you it's nearly four in the morning now? Yeah, I should probably get some sleep. Well, good night and see you next chapter!

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