Chapter 1: Assembly

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Miyo's POV unless I say so

It took a while, but Endeavour did fully recover from his fight with the Nomu. It left a few scars though. Hawks somehow managed to get away with no scars and non-life threatening injuries. Besides that, UA was going pretty normal. Classes were normal, nobody had been attacked in the past fortnight, it was nice. Emphasis on was.

One morning, Nezu announced that both class 1-A and class 1-B both had to come to the hall for an assembly. None of the students knew why, even the teachers looked confused. They could only hope nobody had done something stupid and the rat was going to punish them in front of everyone else. His punishments were always... Unusual. I saw Sero shiver when he remembered the time he had to clean every window in the school with his toothbrush and then use it. Yeah, everyone hoped it wasn't something like that.

Aizawa led the class to the hall and we sat down while waiting for Vlad's class to show up. It took a solid two minutes, but they arrived and sat down in their class.

Nezu: Welcome, everyone!

Nezu walked onto the stage and used a step-stool to raise his head above the podium. The students fell silent at his Cheshire-like grin. Alright, maybe we should be worried.

Nezu: I welcome you all here to announce that I'm bringing back the UA Civil War Game!

Everyone immediately felt the cold hands of death on their shoulders. That game was discontinued after parents complained of serious injuries and trauma. If Nezu was doing this for his own entertainment, who knows who'd be the first to die. I hoped it wasn't me.

Nezu: Both classes as well as Shinso Hitoshi from General Studies will be participating and you may choose your teams. You can either be a hero or a villain, and there must be at least one person on each team. Now, each of you will receive a tablet. Write down what team you want to be part of and they will be displayed on the screen behind me.

Just as he said, the teachers started handing out tablets and all of us looked down as they turned on simultaneously, showing the words 'HERO' and 'VILLAIN' in boxes.

Nezu: Now, choose.

I looked at everyone around me. I had a good seat where I could see most of the tablets in the room, so I quickly counted who was on each team. They all picked hero. I was fine with whatever team I was on and wondered what would happen if nobody was on the villain team. Nezu would probably pick someone at random and move them. But what if they were desperate to be on the hero team? What if they really wanted to show what they could do as a hero? I looked around one last time before tapping the 'VILLAIN' box.

Nezu: And that's the last person. Let's see the teams, shall we?

He pressed a button on his podium and the screen behind him lit up. It was divided in two, one side for heroes and one for villains. It didn't surprise me much that I was the only one on the villain team.

Nezu: Hmm. I did say there must be at least one person on each team but I think this might be a bit unfair. How about we switch a few people arou-

Me: Wait!

Everyone stared at me. I hated the attention, but I had to say something.

Me: I-I'm fine with going by myself. It might be a little unfair but I don't want to force anyone to be on a team they don't want.

Nezu: I see. Well, it's ultimately your choice and I'll respect that. Now, moving on. Both teams will receive a rule book and may elect a leader if they choose to. You may request special costumes or support items from Power Loader, but note that anything he gives you will not be lethal and won't cause too much damage. If you have any further questions, my office is always open. You have three days to train and prepare yourselves before the game starts, you will have no classes during this time unless you want to. Good luck.

A Little Game (Part 2 of All For One's Daughter)Where stories live. Discover now