Chapter 5: I'm Sorry, WHAT!?

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Well, unfortunately the fact that I'm used to staying up late makes me both a heavy and light sleeper. If something disturbs me while I'm sleeping, I'm up and ready for anything. If I wake up naturally, it takes me a while and my brain and body will find absolutely any excuse to stay in bed. I'm sure seeing me curl up and hide under my blanket like a child who doesn't want to go to school amused the my teachers in some way. Those of them who are up at this hour anyway. Well, that amusement won't last long seeing as after I finally hauled myself out of bed, I immediately grabbed supplies and headed off to the police station. No, I didn't eat but I wanted to save my food for emergencies. I can go a week or two without, so I should be fine.

Anyway, back on topic. I quickly made my way to an alleyway next to the police station and pulled out my phone before fiddling with the cameras and shutting them off. Power Loader must be pretty annoyed by now. After those were out, I rushed into the building soundlessly. Can't have those heroes waking up after all. It didn't take long to find their sleeping quarters, they were on the second floor of the three story building. I poked my head in the door, searching for my next victim. Maybe I shouldn't see them as victims, but they kind of are. At least, when it comes to what I'm about to do with them. I decided to pick Kirishima and Tetsutetsu. They have similar quirks and if that's what they see in me, might as well me them.

I slit their throats before grabbing my rope and tying them together and hanging them from the ceiling. There just so happened to be a hook right above Monoma, lucky me. I also decided to use some fake blood for a little added effect. I used a bit around their necks to make it seem like their throats were actually slashed and splattered a bunch on their bodies. If some got on Monoma, oh well. After adding some... Finishing touches, I returned to base. I pulled out my phone to watch the cameras and couldn't wait for their reaction, Monoma especially.
I then realised I still needed to switch them back online, but that wasn't an issue. The issue was the teachers, but I didn't care much about their reaction as much.

After only a few seconds of me finishing, Midoriya was the first to wake up. He looked around and could only stare in shock and fear when he saw my handiwork. It made me a little sad that I didn't get him sooner, he was still pretty nice to me. Even though he still didn't say anything to anyone when they were badmouthing me, he was better than most. It took a little bit, but he eventually did start screaming. That in itself was terrifying. He wasn't one to scream like that often, but at least it woke the others up. They started screaming and gasping too, especially Monoma since it was right above his head. That also meant he could see what I'd written on the roof in fake blood.

In messy handwriting, 'see you soon~,' could be seen directly over his head. His reaction was just perfect. He screamed and tried to get up but slipped in a puddle of blood that got there by me accidentally dropping the bottle. He only landed in another small puddle, making him absolutely horrified. I internally grinned, but his my reaction from the drone near my face. Nezu already had a slight idea of what he was dealing with, but I didn't want him pulling me out early or anything. Then how would I have fun with Monoma?

No, no I can't think like that. I may be acting as a villain, but I am a hero in training. I am a hero in training... Not at all a villain. I am a hero in training and a vigilante who risks their life to save others. I will not go overboard in this game, nor will I do anything drastic or too dangerous. I am a hero...


Hello, would you get mad at me if I say it's 3:25 in the morning and I haven't slept at all despite doing a lot of exercise while I'm sick? Hopefully not, cause there's not a whole lot you can do to help. I barely even feel tired and I'm not sure why. Anyway, see you next chapter!

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