Please Take Me With Me

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Michael POV

Prince is making this harder I have to go back home to the afterworld I'm not suppose to be here

Prince POV

I want to be with Michael he just told me that we can't be together and I refuse to let him walk away

Prince: Michael wait....Please take me with you

Michael: prince I told you you can't be together you could get hurt

Prince: I don't care about that Michael....I'm love with you

That's when Michael stopped in his tracks when prince said that

Michael: what

Prince: I'm in love with you(kissed him)

Michael got into the kiss but he knew they couldn't do this

Prince: just do this for us

Michael: prince...

Prince: just give me a chance Michael I can't lose you

Michael: ....prince that would mean I have to change you into one of us and I can't do that to you

Prince: then do it

Michael: prince

Prince: please

Michael couldn't say no prince really wanted this and he knew he wasn't giving up

Suddenly prince was in front of him and didn't even know it

Prince: what do you say(grabbed him)

Michael: are you sure you want this

Prince: yes more than anything

Michael: if I do this can't tell nobody

Prince: I won't

Michael: well hop on

Prince: where are we going

Michael: I got to take you back to the afterworld in order to change it ....and you're not fast enough to catch up to me....

Prince: so you're going to carry me

Michael: yes

Prince: ok

Michael: I got you just hop on there's not much time

Prince hopped on Michael back and he took off there was a marry on the other side soon as Michael steeped on it it activated

Michael: are you ready

Prince: yes

Michael: ok

Michael said the magic word and they were off to the afterworld

Michael arrived and there were a lot of vampires

We Can't Be Together I'm A Immortal Where stories live. Discover now